Message from @QuinnTheQuartz

Discord ID: 452610181818351616

2018-06-02 23:09:47 UTC  

We all benefit from imperialism one way or another

2018-06-02 23:09:51 UTC  


2018-06-02 23:09:55 UTC  

@karbon Post-scarcity is possible when the productive forces have peaked and material abundance is the order of the day.

2018-06-02 23:10:00 UTC  

Did the debate finish

2018-06-02 23:10:01 UTC  

is ANY corporation forcing third world people to work for them?

Yes but there are those that fight our imperialism

2018-06-02 23:10:09 UTC  


And thoses who let it happen

2018-06-02 23:10:19 UTC  

Post-Scracity isn't possible as we all have to work in some form or another.

2018-06-02 23:10:25 UTC  

To create something for another person.


2018-06-02 23:10:43 UTC  
2018-06-02 23:10:47 UTC  

Capitalism is kinda international by nature bud

2018-06-02 23:10:50 UTC  

Oh right

2018-06-02 23:10:55 UTC  

@Deleted User no matter how many of our jobs are replaced by robots and the resources derived from automation are redistributed equally, the amount of resources on this planet will remain limited and constant

2018-06-02 23:10:55 UTC  

What is the problem with automation? Would you like people to continue working on extremely mundane activities?

2018-06-02 23:10:59 UTC  

Not sure if you noticed

2018-06-02 23:11:00 UTC  

Did anyone here about article 13 or whatever passed by the eruopean union

2018-06-02 23:11:15 UTC  

Resources ARE SCARCE, thats why we have something called an economic system

2018-06-02 23:11:16 UTC  

Automation admitly is a threat as you force people to give up their jobs in favor of fields that they didn't even study for and will require indirect cohercion of specializing.

2018-06-02 23:11:19 UTC  

capitalism kills the surplus population

Automation under capitalism would further concentrate the wealth to the bourgeoisie

The benefits of automation must be distributed

2018-06-02 23:11:45 UTC  

Communism trys to give everyone a fucking math way of distruibiting.

2018-06-02 23:11:47 UTC  

No karde, capitalism rewards the most productive people

2018-06-02 23:11:52 UTC  

hierarchies are not bad

2018-06-02 23:12:03 UTC  

*Actually, yes.*

2018-06-02 23:12:03 UTC  

you WILL be rewarded for providing the most pleasure for society

if it did than explain

2018-06-02 23:12:06 UTC  

Just anyone who could afford automation would become wealthy

Now, if the American CEOs are worth anything between twice (compared to the Swiss CEOs, excluding stock options) and twenty times (compared to the Japanese CEOs, including stock options), their counterparts abroad, how come the companies they run have been losing out to their Japanese and European rivals in many industries? You may suggest that the Japanese and European CEOs can work at much lower absolute pay than the American CEOs because their countries’ general wage levels are lower. However, wages in Japan and the European countries are basicaly at the same level as those in the US. The average worker pay in the thirteen countries studied by the EPI was 85 per cent of the US worker pay in 2005. The Japanese workers get paid 91per cent the American wages, but their CEOs get paid only 25 per cent of what the American CEOs get (excluding stock options). The Swiss workers and the German workers get higher wages than the US workers (130 per cent and 106 per cent of the US wage, respectively), while their CEOs get paid only 55 per cent and 64 per cent of the US salaries (once again, excluding share options, which are much higher in the US).5 Thus seen, US managers are over-priced. The American workers get paid only 15 per cent or so more than their counterparts in competitor nations, while the American CEOs are paid at least twice (compared to the Swiss managers, excluding stock options) and possibly up to twenty times (compared to the Japanese managers, including stock options) that of what their counterparts in comparable countries are paid. Despite this, the American CEOs are running companies that are no better, and frequently worse, than their Japanese or European competitors.

2018-06-02 23:12:09 UTC  

The harder the work you put in, the more money you make.

2018-06-02 23:12:14 UTC  

Automation is not something that should be taken lightly. Too many people are sitting back and just waiting for automation to happen thinking it will benefit them. This will be the fall of society

2018-06-02 23:12:15 UTC  


2018-06-02 23:12:20 UTC  

This is the basics of work.

2018-06-02 23:12:23 UTC  

I'm not talking about conglomerates aided by the states, like Oil barons

2018-06-02 23:12:24 UTC  

Capitalism in some ways favors meritocrats, but inherentence starts becoming a problem after generations pass.

2018-06-02 23:12:38 UTC  

If you put in the effort to educate yourself and work an honest job, you profit.