Message from @Fantastic

Discord ID: 452669219503341578

2018-06-03 03:02:29 UTC  

@Nuke wait to ask questions

2018-06-03 03:02:35 UTC  

Please don't answer any questions

2018-06-03 03:02:46 UTC  

Let there be an official sanctioned QnA

2018-06-03 03:02:48 UTC  


2018-06-03 03:02:57 UTC  

Yeah eagle needs to make a chat where only they can talk

2018-06-03 03:03:12 UTC  

@Nuke Abortion is murder and I will try my best to make it illegal, and I will take steps to limit contraception and then prohibit it.

2018-06-03 03:03:33 UTC  

SO the general stance for his ideology

2018-06-03 03:03:50 UTC  

@Fantastic Can you repeat your question, please?

2018-06-03 03:04:07 UTC  

(((((scroll up)))))

2018-06-03 03:04:10 UTC  

I will make abortion illegal on the first day of my administration by edict. Same with contraceptives.

2018-06-03 03:04:21 UTC  

@abortion: Good.
@contraception: What steps will you take to limit contraception before prohibiting it?

2018-06-03 03:04:29 UTC  

What are you going to do within the first week of having your position?

2018-06-03 03:04:38 UTC  


2018-06-03 03:04:38 UTC  

The Conservative Party bases itself on promoting traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. The general tenets of this includes upholding tradition, national and cultural values, acknowledging human imperfection, acknowledging hierarchy and authority and property rights. We seek to preserve a wide range of institutions such as for example, religion. Vaguely speaking, we aim to maintain the status quo. We are capitalists and uphold the idea of a genuinely free market. We strive to limit government intervention and keep regulations only when it's really needed.

2018-06-03 03:04:42 UTC  


2018-06-03 03:04:42 UTC  

Common identity at the forefront, linguistic, racial, and religious homogeneity are essential for the society to thrive. We promote the family and tradition, we do not yield to global capitalism or communism. We promote a healthy community, reasonable protections on the environment, limits on immigration and strict rules on who may be allowed. Collaboration with industry and the working class will be paramount to the nation's health, and Christianity as a vital foundation of our nation's morals and ethics.

2018-06-03 03:05:16 UTC  

THat just sounds like nationalism

2018-06-03 03:05:21 UTC  

I am unsure of what I will do in my first week, but I will most likely start out with making abortion illegal and sending troops to Israel in support of military action against the hamas.

2018-06-03 03:05:26 UTC  

nothing like actual fascism

2018-06-03 03:05:37 UTC  

To rebut Sarge's position, when you're dealing with infant genocide, "try" is not good enough. We must have the most immediate action possible.

2018-06-03 03:05:52 UTC  


2018-06-03 03:06:00 UTC  

@Sarge repsonse

2018-06-03 03:06:02 UTC  


2018-06-03 03:06:14 UTC  

@Nuke One example of what I have planned is to raise the prices of contraceptives whilst also, in the mean time, passing laws to make obtaining them more restrictive. Raise the age limit to obtain them, maybe limit them to only straight married couples, the sort. These steps are a necessity and must be taken in order to deny the black market from growing in strength, having yet another thing to sell. We must first change society's view on sex before we abolish contraceptives.

2018-06-03 03:06:38 UTC  

Why would a gay couple need contraceptives

2018-06-03 03:06:39 UTC  


2018-06-03 03:06:45 UTC  

How does that work

2018-06-03 03:06:48 UTC  

we're legionary fascists btw obviously

2018-06-03 03:06:52 UTC  


2018-06-03 03:07:17 UTC  

@Rhenic when was that mentioned?

2018-06-03 03:07:36 UTC  

“Maybe limit them to only straight married couples”

2018-06-03 03:07:41 UTC  

- Sarge

2018-06-03 03:08:02 UTC  

But anyways, on contraceptives, we do need to curb promiscuous sex as much as possible, and in my opinion, immediately take hard action.

2018-06-03 03:09:04 UTC  

TEchnically only straight people can have them (only straight couple produce children)

2018-06-03 03:09:59 UTC  

Define hard action, for us flanon?

2018-06-03 03:10:00 UTC  

next question please

2018-06-03 03:10:16 UTC  

I think that defines itself

2018-06-03 03:10:22 UTC  

It doesn't. Tell us.

2018-06-03 03:10:32 UTC  

A prohibition.

2018-06-03 03:10:44 UTC  

An outright prohibition? How can you guarantee,

2018-06-03 03:11:01 UTC  

with the current mindset on sex among out population, that it won't just allow the Black market to make a killing off of contraceptives?