Message from @Grugochet

Discord ID: 451142616394891265

conservatives argue a status quo which is quickly eroding away 🤔

2018-05-29 21:55:21 UTC  

It's not quickly eroding. Theres less extremists now than there were in the mid-late 1900s

2018-05-29 21:56:17 UTC  

>comparing modern day to mid 1900's

2018-05-29 21:56:18 UTC  

Fascism entails a market-based, private enterprise system. One that's heavily protectionist and offers big business subsidies. Just because it isn't laissez-faire, doesn't mean it isn't capitalism.

Heck I could point out to you what the Pentagon and US army college is literally saying about your dumb status quo:
````Defense strategists and senior decision-makers should be under no illusion about the
current tenuous degree to which the United States exercises meaningful control over key
strategic outcomes in the international security environment. The United States and its
defense enterprise are navigating uncharted waters of late. The potency, endurance, and
resilience of once unassailable post-Cold War American reach, influence, and effectiveness
are increasingly in doubt.````

2018-05-29 21:56:49 UTC  

yeah, big business subsidies to critical resources for the nation

2018-05-29 21:56:59 UTC  

nationalization m9

i guess their strategists at the pentagon aren't too wised up about the current state of affairs

2018-05-29 21:57:48 UTC  

Oh no our international pull isnt as strong as they were immediately after Europe and china were left in shalbles

2018-05-29 21:57:50 UTC  


2018-05-29 21:57:54 UTC  

So surprising

```As was described earlier in this report, the stability, surety, and resilience of the U.S.-
led post-Cold War status quo is under severe distress and faces potential collapse.```

i'm going to not take the pentagon's word for this one i guess

they obviously have zero idea

what's going on in the world

furthermoe they are talking about POST-COLD WAR

2018-05-29 21:59:34 UTC  

Yeah, the US certainly isn't the international 'powerhouse' that it once was.

they aren't talking about after WW2

2018-05-29 21:59:41 UTC  

Lol I mean if that's what you have to do to pretend le communist revolution will happen one day, that's fine


that wasn't my point

2018-05-29 21:59:50 UTC  


2018-05-29 21:59:52 UTC  


my point was american influence was eroding away

and so was the status quo

2018-05-29 22:00:03 UTC  

what's gonna happen is the us will collapse

@Mitch China or Russia step in tbh

2018-05-29 22:00:25 UTC  

China relies on the west to buy there products

maybe the EU forms its superstate

2018-05-29 22:00:29 UTC  

though russia might try something

2018-05-29 22:00:38 UTC  

Pls papa russia

2018-05-29 22:01:21 UTC  

It would be great if the communists in Russia seized state power once more.

2018-05-29 22:01:22 UTC  

i am hoping the world goes into chaos by 2025

2018-05-29 22:01:26 UTC  
2018-05-29 22:01:39 UTC  


@Deleted User The communist party of russia rn is controlled by a reactionary businessman who is a puppet of Putin

are you sure about that one?

2018-05-29 22:02:01 UTC  

```The political polarization in the U.S. hasn't been this prevalent ever since the civil war```

2018-05-29 22:02:03 UTC  

Also you say "they aren't talking about after wwii" as if the entirety of Europe was rebuilt over night