Message from @LoJ

Discord ID: 451766609393221652

Yes the anarchist and communist movements in the U.S. are a clusterfuck

2018-05-31 15:14:42 UTC  

anarchists are retarded

I think too many ppl think Anarchists all believe in 100% no collectivism

2018-05-31 15:14:54 UTC  

or a "typical" hierarchy model

Besides nate here, they don't really believe that

2018-05-31 15:15:16 UTC  

the term "anarchy" literally means "no leader".

2018-05-31 15:15:17 UTC  

btw, anarchists don't have a leader, right?

I mean depends on what form you are looking at

2018-05-31 15:15:39 UTC  

@LoJ that means its literally a unorganized chaos

Most of the time it isn't factionless

Just a VERY minimal state or stateless

And ppl look up the google definition of anarchy and assume that is what every anarchist believes

2018-05-31 15:16:42 UTC  

i've seen some 5'0 asian bitch in portland saying she's a leader of anarchists in portland, and it was so hilarious to me considering that anarchists dont have a leader

2018-05-31 15:16:48 UTC  

Anarchy, in its essence and presented by the word itself, with its Latin root means "no leader". That would mean that everybody would have to operate on social contract because their is no enforcer or central authority/leader

2018-05-31 15:17:50 UTC  

Anything other than that would be properly coined as "pseudoanarchism"

The anarchy that advocates for no cultural unity, nationalism, complete statelessness, equal wealth and no factions is ludicrous

What we see in Ukraine is like just next level Libertarianism

2018-05-31 15:18:31 UTC  

well thats retarded

Where the state doesn't dictate anyone's lives

2018-05-31 15:18:41 UTC  

if thats what anarchy stands for then wtf

2018-05-31 15:19:13 UTC  

Then how will any public roads or infrastructure be completed if there are no tax dollars?

Bud, if you look up every ideologies definition, then ask everyone in that ideology about that definition, half the ideologies definitions aren't support by the people in that ideology

This is common knowledge

2018-05-31 15:20:01 UTC  


2018-05-31 15:20:07 UTC  

Anarchists don't believe in Roads

2018-05-31 15:20:17 UTC  

Wouldn't anarchy in general just be anarcho capitalism as you can LITERALLY get away with anything for your own private gain?

2018-05-31 15:20:20 UTC  


When the state has almost no interference into a localized community, ideally, the communities themselves will take care of these things

2018-05-31 15:20:51 UTC  

Anarchy and Dictatorship are so far on the ends of the spectrum that they loop back into each other, in anarchy, a leader will arise (more like druglord or kingpin, think the likes of Pablo Escabar) that controls the local area and everyone will be at the will of the kingpin

Sort of

Not that same scenario everytime

But you can never be factionless

There are anarchists that recognize this

Like I said, look at Ukraine

2018-05-31 15:23:19 UTC  

There will be a constant lord of the flies scenario until somebody is able to maintain power and then they die and it goes back to the LotF situation or their heir will maintain rule, there is always Order or Chaos, there is no true quantum existence of Unified versus Divided rule

2018-05-31 15:23:35 UTC  

ukraine is like bosnia, basically a battleground where many ethnicities are gathered in

2018-05-31 15:23:44 UTC  


2018-05-31 15:24:26 UTC  

Ukraine can't handle a nuclear reactor, let alone a successful government, what works for Ukraine doesn't work for the U.S.

2018-05-31 15:24:54 UTC  

@LoJ ukraine did the most retarded thing, and thats sell about 5000 nuclear shit to russia

The rogue miltias that wave the blood and soil flag of anarchy don't take orders from the Ukrainian state, the Russian separatists or even some high up in the militia. They fight in small bands thats only leadership comes from just respected individuals. They are a brotherhood. They are part of a larger movement and ideal, but they aren't organized as as movement, only united behind a common culture.