Message from @Chronik

Discord ID: 452168826424131587

2018-06-01 17:56:10 UTC  

mussolini was a better pinata than political leader

2018-06-01 17:56:10 UTC  

raping german women was good guys

raping soviet women

was the good guys yeet

2018-06-01 17:56:23 UTC  


1) that's an exaggerated cold-war myth

2018-06-01 17:56:40 UTC  

The Whermact never raped if they did they were shot

As if either side were some beacon of morality during the war

2018-06-01 17:56:43 UTC  

soviets were brutally murdered and raped by germans

2018-06-01 17:56:46 UTC  

don't @ me

2018-06-01 17:56:53 UTC  

raping soviet women... like the Germans did?

2018-06-01 17:56:56 UTC  

two wrongs make a right? interesting commies

2018-06-01 17:56:59 UTC  
2018-06-01 17:57:02 UTC  

the largest number of civilians murdered were soviets killed by nazis

2018-06-01 17:57:09 UTC  


2018-06-01 17:57:12 UTC  

by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar

2018-06-01 17:57:16 UTC  

like 500%

2018-06-01 17:57:23 UTC  

I still disagree with the Berlin Wall, but he's right.

2018-06-01 17:57:29 UTC  

500% is extremely exaggerated

2018-06-01 17:57:30 UTC  

A commie put him down too

@Mr.AnalTwister4000 yes Soviet raped and murder the very nation they'd help rebuild GDR

It was the Germans that started the conflict just would like to point that out

2018-06-01 17:57:40 UTC  

yes maybe stalin should have actually given a shit about his human resources

2018-06-01 17:58:01 UTC  

20 men with only 10 of them armed

2018-06-01 17:58:08 UTC  

thats the soviet squads

that's literally a ww2 myth

the germans

The Nazis did to the Soviets what the Japs did to the Americans



2018-06-01 17:58:19 UTC  


2018-06-01 17:58:19 UTC  
