Message from @Stalins Boi

Discord ID: 453048784268689408

2018-06-04 04:13:01 UTC  


2018-06-04 04:13:03 UTC  


2018-06-04 04:13:07 UTC  

Ban the Bird!

2018-06-04 04:13:13 UTC  

I mean what

It isnt your server if you arent owner tbh

2018-06-04 04:13:20 UTC  

HE is

2018-06-04 04:13:21 UTC  

Lotta activity

2018-06-04 04:13:21 UTC  

heil hitner, hitner trortsy and stain were broth, 14/88 wsa the mtoto of nationa.lsit reivliton start in rusia in 1912 by btorkyso end nhis daughtr STAKIUN READ THE NATROT BIOGRAPHYU OF JEW lenon. we explain and DEBUNK claims of ane fronk. lenon was a jewush cartographer HE devbelop anti-HIOTNER theiory, buyt trotsko killd him, then he mevod to gremny to help HITNER make his OWN c omunism revlution. we are not marxists, f\**k marx, he was a anglo. but no carolus marx was not marxist marxist is creation of donaldo trumpe (not TUrmb he natrot) HE wqsa the murderer of trotkso, he ASSIST his killingment, marx was a national trotksi as we proiobev in video "we are coming" marxism is jew and barack husein musolini CREATION! to defamation national trotk marx. later we delveop the theory of permanent national revoltuon BUILT UPON napOLEON theory and practicre. we despise anglos, the logical conclusion of socialism is the eradication of inferior beings, anglos are the prime xample of htis as quoted by bo mao in his obok, red socialism. sterber was a anglo too, hE with HIS theory of anti-hitnerism hATED hitnerism and hitrel that is why post-right gang is OXYMRO!nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. WE f\**ked their moms and wil f\**k YOUR Mom too if u ARE:

2018-06-04 04:13:24 UTC  


2018-06-04 04:13:28 UTC  

Fuck james

2018-06-04 04:13:29 UTC  

I had the same situation as mod before

2018-06-04 04:13:30 UTC  


2018-06-04 04:13:44 UTC  

James your A...

2018-06-04 04:13:49 UTC  

JAmes is going to try to take credit for everything when Eagle did everything

2018-06-04 04:13:49 UTC  


2018-06-04 04:13:58 UTC  

I prettey much made a server

2018-06-04 04:14:04 UTC  

but my buddy was ownwer

2018-06-04 04:14:07 UTC  

Fuck James.

2018-06-04 04:14:09 UTC  


2018-06-04 04:14:14 UTC  


2018-06-04 04:14:23 UTC  

I dont appreciate your tone @Stalins Boi

2018-06-04 04:14:26 UTC  

Thats pretty successful

2018-06-04 04:14:29 UTC  

Is james a fascist?

2018-06-04 04:14:29 UTC  


2018-06-04 04:14:32 UTC  

Canโ€™t we get discord to force ownership to eagle

Seems lime we have a fascist infestation

2018-06-04 04:14:38 UTC  

I don't really like james