Message from @Aemon

Discord ID: 453155301563301898

2018-06-04 11:09:23 UTC  

define culturally superior

2018-06-04 11:09:34 UTC  

Thats reasonable aemon but you dont take based blacks and whatnot

2018-06-04 11:09:46 UTC  

Culturally Superior: Having a culture over not having one.

2018-06-04 11:10:32 UTC  

If the Western Europeans don't rediscover their culture they are going to die out TBH

2018-06-04 11:11:32 UTC  

What is Western European culture though? I've seen some different definitions from pagan and non-pagan fascists.

2018-06-04 11:12:14 UTC  

I don't think there is one Western Europeans culture but there was Germanic, Celtic, ect.

2018-06-04 11:12:41 UTC  

Regardless, my point stands. There's a major difference between Pagan Germanic culture and Christian Germanic culture.

2018-06-04 11:14:48 UTC  

I'm mainly italian with a bit of german jew

2018-06-04 11:15:01 UTC  

I think the natural Germanic mannerisms remained to an extent under Christianity although they were suppressed. The reason each people forms their own brand of Christianity even if they are of the same 'denomination' is because each people has a nature they will stick to if not suppressed.

2018-06-04 11:15:39 UTC  

sorry sir i have pure slavic genes so uhh don't talk to me half kike

2018-06-04 11:15:47 UTC  

I'm pure Slahv

2018-06-04 11:16:04 UTC  

*pure slave

2018-06-04 11:16:11 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:16:13 UTC  

well the word slave did come from slav

2018-06-04 11:16:28 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:16:46 UTC  

*Laughs in only White people successfully standing against liberalism while supposedly strong Nords are bowing down to homosexuals and tranny politics*

2018-06-04 11:16:56 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:17:02 UTC  

i would like to correct you on that

2018-06-04 11:17:11 UTC  

what those filthy scandinavians practice

2018-06-04 11:17:15 UTC  

is not liberalism

2018-06-04 11:17:23 UTC  

what is it?

2018-06-04 11:17:39 UTC  

classic liberalism is the only true form of liberalism

2018-06-04 11:17:41 UTC  

It's not just the Nords. It's the Germans, the Anglos, the Francos

2018-06-04 11:18:01 UTC  

nationalist party gonna get long knived by flanon

2018-06-04 11:18:10 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:18:15 UTC  

im also subscribed to sargon of akkad

2018-06-04 11:18:18 UTC  

Dude, you're a Jew.

2018-06-04 11:18:18 UTC  

and have a kekistani flag

2018-06-04 11:18:21 UTC  

and wear a fedora

2018-06-04 11:18:29 UTC  

liberals bit the bullet too

2018-06-04 11:18:29 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:18:34 UTC  

calm your tits

2018-06-04 11:18:36 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:18:36 UTC  

the last 2 were jokes

2018-06-04 11:18:40 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:18:43 UTC  

I don't have a problem with Jews, but.... fascists kind of do

2018-06-04 11:18:48 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:18:49 UTC  

sargon is liberalist lite

2018-06-04 11:18:56 UTC  


2018-06-04 11:19:00 UTC  

anglos are worse than jews

2018-06-04 11:19:02 UTC  

Good night and bash the fash.