Message from @tsarsNeezy

Discord ID: 454296690711724042

but people are working 2 or 3 jobs to just make end's meet

2018-06-07 13:57:07 UTC  

min wage is average 7.50

2018-06-07 13:57:21 UTC  

a mcdonalds worker who puts in their hours could make 13k annually

how much is rent

or cost of living?

2018-06-07 13:58:28 UTC  

Or a house

2018-06-07 13:59:24 UTC  

Uf someone meme the gender pay gap I need entertainment

this is an analysis from Ha Joon Chang (South Korean Economist) on the US and 'structural poverty'
```For example, despite having the highest average PPP
income, the US ranks only around thirtieth in the world in
health statistics such as life expectancy and infant mortality
(OK, the inefficiency of the US healthcare system contributes
to it, but let’s not get into that). The much higher crime rate
than in Europe or Japan – in per capita terms, the US has
eight times more people in prison than Europe and twelve
times more than Japan – shows that there is a far bigger
underclass in the US.
Second, the very fact that its PPP income is more or less
the same as its market exchange rate income is proof that
the higher average living standard in the US is built on the
poverty of many. What do Imean by this? As I have pointed
out earlier, it is normal for a rich country’s PPP income to be
lower, sometimes significantly, than its market exchange
rate income, because it has expensive service workers.
However, this does not happen to the US, because, unlike
other rich countries, it has cheap service workers. To begin
with, there is a large inflow of low-wage immigrants from
poor countries, many of them illegal, which makes them
even cheaper.```

should i go on?

```Moreover, even the native workers have
much weaker fallback positions in the US than in European
countries of comparable income level. Because they have
much less job security and weaker welfare supports, US
workers, especially the non-unionized ones in the service
industries, work for lower wages and under inferior
conditions than do their European counterparts. This is why
things like taxi rides and meals at restaurants are so much
cheaper in the US than in other rich countries. This is great
when you are the customer, but not if you are the taxi driver
or the waitress. In other words, the higher purchasing power
of average US income is bought at the price of lower
income and inferior working conditions for many US citizens```

Poverty is structural in America, the myth that people don't 'work enough' or don't 'work hard enough' is one to legitimise its structural issues. It's to deflect any **real** analysis or comparison with other 'rich' countries.

2018-06-07 14:05:12 UTC  

How do we solve the problem

of course none of you like the commie answer of
"unionize the workplace"
or even the Keynesian argument of
"Invest more into the state and takcle inequality that way like Norway and other countries have done."

2018-06-07 14:08:54 UTC  


2018-06-07 14:11:25 UTC  

Get rid of money

2018-06-07 14:12:36 UTC  

That's not what Norway did 🤔

I dont disagree that keynesian arguments such as state welfare can have positive effects. But if you think the capitalists will let us just do that you are mistaken. Even if they did we would be hit by bullshit austerity later on.

**currently every European country right now.**

There are inherent contradictions between the state trying to decrease poverty and the capitalists trying to get richer.

2018-06-07 14:52:16 UTC  

solution: get rid of the capitalists

2018-06-07 14:52:51 UTC  

no u

2018-06-07 14:53:01 UTC  


@Bill Nye the Russian Spy first we must convince people about how dumb neoliberalism is

2018-06-07 15:08:49 UTC  

good point

2018-06-07 15:22:45 UTC  

Solution make lazy niggers work

2018-06-07 15:22:57 UTC  


>no counter statistics or counter economic analysis
"muh work harder."

2018-06-07 15:30:44 UTC  

It's either that or they're getting deported

2018-06-07 15:30:56 UTC  

Cant have lazy ass niggers

2018-06-07 15:36:25 UTC  

Stop being poor

2018-06-07 15:36:49 UTC  


literally the "stop being poor work harder." bullshit yeet

2018-06-07 15:40:47 UTC  

I mean this is implying that niggers work in the first place and don’t just cash in from welfare every month

2018-06-07 15:41:07 UTC  


i think he's implying that he can't statistics

2018-06-07 15:44:44 UTC  

Niggers dont work stop trying to protect them faggot

you can't maths science or statistics
stop trying to act smart

2018-06-07 15:45:23 UTC  

Without niggers who would employ policemen

2018-06-07 15:45:47 UTC  

The policemen wouldn’t be needed

mr "I read the communist mainfesto but think socialists and communists are the same."

2018-06-07 15:47:06 UTC  

Socialism is when the means of production are publicly owned