Message from @Perpetual Moral Imbalance

Discord ID: 457299113923444746

2018-06-15 21:41:25 UTC  

And now I'm back

2018-06-15 21:41:29 UTC  


2018-06-15 21:41:30 UTC  

is communism achievable if not globally?

left wing is an internationalist movement, it requires a global struggle

capitalism is a global system of course the next development in economic mode of production is going to be globalized

2018-06-15 21:42:07 UTC  

The best ideology in theory if everything went good somehow would be pacifist anarchism

2018-06-15 21:42:09 UTC  

is communism achievable if it is not global?

2018-06-15 21:42:16 UTC  


that's not communism

2018-06-15 21:42:21 UTC  


it would be like saying

2018-06-15 21:42:25 UTC  

then advoc has just said it

capitalism is possible without it being globalized

2018-06-15 21:42:31 UTC  

unless the entire world is communist, communism is not achievable

2018-06-15 21:42:43 UTC  

mfw it took a communist to tell you communism is unachievable

2018-06-15 21:42:49 UTC  


you make it sound like a ridiculous thing but capitalism wouldn't work without it being globalized

so are you saying

capitalism is impossible

there is no 'capitalism' in one country

2018-06-15 21:43:24 UTC  

if you scroll up, the only parts where i've mentioned capitalism is in a theoretical society which a communist society is invaded by a capitalist one

2018-06-15 21:43:34 UTC  

however what you've said is communism is unachievable if it is not global

but that's not the condition communism arises

2018-06-15 21:43:38 UTC  

thank you for proving my point

2018-06-15 21:43:40 UTC  

Capitalism only works in theory

the condition communism arises is when the global socialist movement has destroyed capitalist states

and recreated the society of old

2018-06-15 21:44:05 UTC  

Perpetual Moral Imbalance - Today at 5:42 PM
is communism achievable if it is not global?
[CPGSA] Advocatus Diaboli - Today at 5:42 PM
[CPGSA] GoodVenerisLeftside - Today at 5:42 PM
that's not communism

it's akin to asking something like saying

"is it possible for labour theory of value to be valid if i create something without labour."

which i've had someone literally say to me before

it's a pointless question

because it doesn't account for why, how, or from where the communist society arises

2018-06-15 21:45:21 UTC  

if the entire world is not communist, is communism achievable?

your point is reductionist, you're not debating in good faith

2018-06-15 21:45:42 UTC  

i've yet to recieve a straight answer

2018-06-15 21:45:44 UTC  

if the entire world is not capitalist, is capitalism achievable? @Perpetual Moral Imbalance

2018-06-15 21:45:46 UTC  

you're talking about a single country that turned communist, i.e. without state, military and police, attacked by a capitalist nation, and when we say that's impossible, you say 'thanks for proving my point'

because it's reductionist

and i've explained **why** it's a pointless, and reductionist argument

2018-06-15 21:46:14 UTC  

yes, and at no point have i made claims to state capitalism is only possible if globally

please read the context of the discussion before jumping in