Message from @Ghawk
Discord ID: 474741713903157248
no sweetie
I'll try to forecast OH-12 next,
It is
on the state level
why did he win at all?
@[Lex] Drop the accent
Negro district
@Ghawk Go back
You have to go back
Go back to your country
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 you smell bad
Low-energy candidate
It's time to stop running Italian candidates in the German Midwest
it's time to stop running italian candidates full stop
When will the RNC learn
(they won't)
Assimilate, you foreigner
Do _American_ things
Hi no antisemite, I'm Dad!
I'm no antisemite
I meant to Lithuania
Same thing tho,
Every country outside of the US is a third-world cesspool
@FLanon According to Cook Political, your district is now a tossup
It's ogre
Say it with me: Rep. Shapiro
Lucky for me, no Jews here
Just BASED Latinos here
this man is Jewish?
@[Lex] Stop being anti-Semitic
@FLanon FL would not have flipped if Blacks showed up like they did in 2012
bernie sanders isn't that bad