Message from @๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ

Discord ID: 433746511705407489

2018-04-11 14:07:49 UTC  

1.) Neocon Don

2018-04-11 14:08:03 UTC  

2.) Blows the "Muh Russia" Narrative out of the water

2018-04-11 14:09:55 UTC  

thing is, there's not much use in him trying to attack the dumb Russia conspiracy theory this way

2018-04-11 14:10:08 UTC  

much better if he played things straight

then again, he might know things that we don't

2018-04-11 14:58:00 UTC  


2018-04-11 14:58:26 UTC  


2018-04-11 14:59:53 UTC  

<:wojaktrump:422438927631384577> <:pinkwojak:422439817528344577> <:hilldawg:422436466422185987>

2018-04-11 20:48:44 UTC  

Many of the Republican dudes were also cuckish though. Too bad Paul Ryan and McCain aren't retiring ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-04-11 21:07:17 UTC  

Paul Ryan is retiring

2018-04-11 21:11:20 UTC  

@Tasunke_Witka Ryan is retiring from congress and McCain is retiring from the living

2018-04-11 21:17:53 UTC  

Yeah, this is all great

2018-04-11 21:18:01 UTC  

Ryan in 2018, Mitch in 2020

2018-04-11 21:18:38 UTC  

Too bad Nehlen pissed all of his potential away or maybe we'd have someone to fill that seat.

2018-04-11 21:22:38 UTC  

@FLanon well, we're going to have someone

2018-04-11 21:22:46 UTC  

let's see who decides to run

2018-04-11 21:41:58 UTC  

Das awesome

2018-04-11 21:42:21 UTC  

If speaker Paul Ryan goes through with his retirement plan I'll be jumping for joy

2018-04-11 21:53:47 UTC  

Trump had the choice of siding with his base or siding with Israel.

He chose Israel.

He'll be lucky if he even finishes one term.

2018-04-11 21:54:11 UTC  

What happened?

2018-04-11 21:54:16 UTC  

Syria strike?

2018-04-11 21:54:46 UTC  

UK's PM has announced they would join the US in a military coalition

2018-04-11 21:54:56 UTC  

Drumpf has betrayed us

2018-04-11 21:55:03 UTC  

Full-scale war hawk

2018-04-11 21:55:11 UTC  

Trump said he would repeal the omnibus

2018-04-11 21:56:24 UTC  


2018-04-11 21:57:47 UTC  

I'm gonna wait.

2018-04-11 22:01:59 UTC  

he can't repeal it, the money's already being spent

2018-04-11 22:02:09 UTC  

he's going to have to wait till the next budget

2018-04-11 22:03:01 UTC  

Anyways, strike's gonna happen, thankfully Trump gave Russia ample time to walk out and the Syrian Government enough time to evacuate from air bases.

2018-04-11 22:15:18 UTC  

@FLanon ** I N C O N S I S T E N C Y **

2018-04-11 22:15:49 UTC  

a full hour apart

2018-04-11 22:16:55 UTC  

I will note though, geopolitics is not as vital to keep a consistent message on as opposed to something like immigration or guns.

2018-04-11 22:25:29 UTC  

Trump is starting to worry me. I'm becoming an anti war hippie as well

2018-04-11 22:25:43 UTC  

the fuck is he doing!?!?!?!?!

2018-04-11 22:31:17 UTC  

"He'll be lucky if he even finishes one term."

ahahahaha whatever you say

2018-04-12 09:15:16 UTC  

He'll finish a term, but if he keeps going at it like he does he may loose all his support and not have a next term, most of his support is online and his supporters organize online.


A. if he keeps on with this pro-war narrative
B. and doesn't push for companies/social media/etc to respect the constitution (online and offline)

then most of his supporters will either fall through due to online censorship and fear of persecution socially and/or just stop supporting him (if he keeps doing stuff his main supporters don't like)

2018-04-12 09:19:25 UTC  

tbh all this is just fuckey, but we're winning from were I can see.

2018-04-12 10:22:16 UTC  

this mighta been the last straw for me. I voted for him but fuck man...