Message from @Rhodesiaboo

Discord ID: 459717801356034056

2018-06-22 09:40:24 UTC  

And that's in a better area where white people shop

2018-06-22 09:40:36 UTC  

There are nightclubs with snipers on them in New Orleans East.

2018-06-22 09:41:20 UTC  

New Orleans East is like, a former "suburb in the city" that is now basically 90% black

2018-06-22 09:41:48 UTC  

It was made for whites' starter homes/apartments/condos.

2018-06-22 09:41:58 UTC  

So black single moms moved into them as they were cheap.

2018-06-22 09:43:46 UTC  

Most of New Orleans is horrible and full of crime. Tourist zones are typically safe due to heavy, heavily-armed police presences.

2018-06-22 09:44:02 UTC  

Overall I kinda like it I guess

2018-06-22 09:45:35 UTC  

yeah this Jewish chick I met, who is a transplant to New Orleans from Los Angeles, told me she got accosted by some kid with a gun who looked scare and was probably doing it for gang initiation...apparently the kid bitched out and ran away

2018-06-22 09:48:32 UTC

this is her. She's SJW but thankfully wasn't the sanctimonious, bitter, negative kind . I didn't talk politics with her though, but I'm sure she assumed I was on the left given the fact that I'm from NYC and nonwhite

I didn't even know New Orleans had these types, but go figure

2018-06-22 09:57:27 UTC  

Making mexico pay for it is a bit of a stretch, but damn, 5 cents?

2018-06-22 09:58:33 UTC  
2018-06-22 09:59:02 UTC  

I am going to put so much money on that second one, damn dude.

2018-06-22 10:00:05 UTC  

Such easy money, you can skim a lot of shit from people who don't know their shit about politics.

2018-06-22 10:06:58 UTC  

Low chance of happening but I mean yes is way undervalued

2018-06-22 10:12:40 UTC  

AFAIK the toursty areas of New Orleans are basically the only place in Louisiana with hardcore SJWs

2018-06-22 10:12:53 UTC  

The rest of the SJWs generally just move out.

2018-06-22 10:13:19 UTC  

I noticed while I was involved iwth the Hamsteak fandom and such as a teen that Louisiana has a surprising level of SJW infiltration however

2018-06-22 13:52:41 UTC

2018-06-22 13:54:24 UTC  


2018-06-22 15:54:51 UTC  

@FLanon PredictIt is full of DailyKos tier leftists

2018-06-22 15:55:17 UTC  

a while back, they were circlejerking about how Blankenship would win the primary and grant an easy win to Manchin because of dumb rednecks

2018-06-22 16:00:50 UTC  

Well, I'm just glad there's a way to make bank off of leftists being brain-dead.

2018-06-22 16:03:00 UTC  

I made a decent amount off of Jon Ossoff losing. Lost $20 on Le Pen. Bet pocket change on Moore. (those were for fun, basically)

2018-06-22 16:04:31 UTC  

apparently, back in 2016, there was an option to be on Trump winning Michigan, and it was 85c Hillary wins MI to 15c Trump wins, so you would have gotten around 6.6 times the amount you bet on Trump if you did

2018-06-22 16:05:09 UTC  

also, for that primary a few weeks ago with Kara Eastman vs Brad Ashford, Eastman was initially valued at only 7c

2018-06-22 16:06:01 UTC  

The district's dem incumbent is retiring and it has a PVI of R+5

2018-06-22 16:06:05 UTC  

yeah, when you read the comments sections, they're very optimistic about D's winning

2018-06-22 16:06:22 UTC  

Now I get the environment isn't in our favor, but I mean this is just comedic

2018-06-22 16:06:34 UTC  

they say things like "this candidate managed to survive 2012. In 2018 it will be a blue wave, so they'll be fine"

2018-06-22 16:06:47 UTC  

ignoring the fact that 2012 was a blue wave of sorts

2018-06-22 16:07:08 UTC  


2018-06-22 16:07:47 UTC  

There's no incumbent advantage! The fuck are these people talking about "they survived 2012".

2018-06-22 16:07:57 UTC  

"As someone who is an independent, but always voted Democrat, I can say for a fact that I will never vote for another until they make some major changes. As a progressive, they no longer share my values and I'm done voting for lesser evils. I wonder if the prognosticators are considering the impact of that reality. I know I'm not alone. Things changed after they tried to ram hillary through. People have woken up to the big lie. Expect the unexpected in this coming election."

2018-06-22 16:08:29 UTC  

in reply to that

"Trump thanks you"
"Music to Trump's ears."
"you need that an "IDIOT" tattoo after the inkmeister gets done with JoWP. ask someone where your forehead is after you get it out where the sun shines."

2018-06-22 16:08:41 UTC  

It makes me so happy that I can make a fuck ton of money off of these brain-dead idiots.

2018-06-22 16:08:42 UTC  

that guy is the Button Mash of Democrats

2018-06-22 16:08:51 UTC  

I hope there's more of them than I think