Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 416446652778545191

2018-02-23 04:04:22 UTC  

it's one of the whitest districts in PA

2018-02-23 04:04:37 UTC  

It's really unfortunate that these people don't have more influence

2018-02-23 04:04:54 UTC  

I wish those people were the entire Democratic party

2018-02-23 04:05:01 UTC  

Thankfully the leftist auto-cannibalism seems stronger than I thought

2018-02-23 04:05:04 UTC  

at least on FB

2018-02-23 04:05:05 UTC  

you have Pelosi for that

2018-02-23 04:05:18 UTC  

@FLanon the thing is, they do have a lot of influence already

2018-02-23 04:05:34 UTC  

Not enough or Lamb wouldn't be in the party

2018-02-23 04:05:46 UTC  

He'd be independent probably or even R

2018-02-23 04:06:00 UTC  

anyway, a bunch of people replied to the "Do you ever visit people of color" comment calling her a Russian troll

2018-02-23 04:06:17 UTC  

leftists go "muh Russia" at a greater rate than /pol/lacks go "da jooooz"

2018-02-23 04:06:24 UTC  

and all this happened so fast

2018-02-23 04:06:35 UTC  

it wasn't even like this a couple years ago

2018-02-23 04:06:45 UTC  

or even before November 8, 2016

2018-02-23 04:07:15 UTC  

they sound like they're joseph mccarthy whenever they say shit like that

2018-02-23 04:07:58 UTC  

it's fucking hilarious

2018-02-23 04:08:42 UTC  

I don't really go to facebook at all, but Twitter is definitely full of that, everyone is a "russian bot"

2018-02-23 04:09:45 UTC  

I can't believe that within 2 weeks, DACA will be dead

2018-02-23 04:09:57 UTC  

"Rick Saccone blocked me from commenting on his page for mildly criticizing his debate performance...sad, lol. People name-call him and that’s ok but I questioned his fake outrage over the perceived attack on his military record in the debate and apparently that was too much for his campaign to handle. "

2018-02-23 04:10:09 UTC  

" I and several others have been completely blocked for non-vulgar comments on Saccone page. They allow just enough opposing views so as to appear supportive of free speech. Conor does not fear trolls on this page and relies on us to engage in constructive rebuttal when trolls try to divide us."

2018-02-23 04:10:19 UTC  

"He blocked me too because I said he looked like an old man with anger issues "

2018-02-23 04:10:26 UTC  

this is one thing I think Saccone is doing wrong

2018-02-23 04:10:38 UTC  

I don't think it'll have much of an effect

2018-02-23 04:10:49 UTC  

you've got to take the heat in this day and age

2018-02-23 04:10:53 UTC  

but the fact that he's apparently the kind of person who would do it doesn't bode well

2018-02-23 04:12:24 UTC  

his facebook won't be what fucks him over, barely anyone who votes actually looks at that shit

2018-02-23 04:13:13 UTC  

"I won't be voting, lamb isn't for strengthening current gun laws, I'm out"

2018-02-23 04:13:24 UTC  

"Sorry I donated money"

2018-02-23 04:13:34 UTC  

"Can't vote for anyone that won't tighten up these laws, how do I live with myself after the next mass shooting? If I met one of those survivors, what do I tell them? It's not good enough"

2018-02-23 04:13:49 UTC  

^do you guys think that sentiment is indicative of a large enough portion of voters in PA-18

2018-02-23 04:13:56 UTC  

I'm sure it's a very gun friendly district

2018-02-23 04:13:56 UTC  


2018-02-23 04:14:13 UTC  

I don't think so, these are just facebook fags being facebook fags I think

2018-02-23 04:14:15 UTC  

the kinds of people who would vote Democrat in that district might be the minority who would care about gun control legislation

2018-02-23 04:15:01 UTC  

imagine being such a fucking faggot that the reason you don't vote for someone is because he doesn't take your means of defense away

2018-02-23 04:15:18 UTC  

how can that actually be a deal breaker for anyone

2018-02-23 04:15:30 UTC  

yeah, hopefully there are enough such faggots in PA-18

2018-02-23 04:16:25 UTC  

you saw this debate ?

2018-02-23 04:16:36 UTC  

haven't bothered with it much

2018-02-23 04:19:22 UTC