Message from @Nuke

Discord ID: 420651898304069633

2018-03-06 18:18:46 UTC  

lot of white rural voters without college degrees in New England

2018-03-06 18:19:15 UTC  

But yeah we either need to prevent Texas from flipping or find a viable alternative if we want to hold on to the presidency

2018-03-06 18:19:46 UTC  

i'm confident places like Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire will flip red within the next decade (screencap this)

2018-03-06 18:20:00 UTC  

not Massachusetts or Vermont tho

2018-03-06 18:20:00 UTC  


The district itself is heavily republican for western p it is mostly more white collar neighborhoods. Democrats are motivated and aregoing to show up. There is no doubt they have enthusiasm.. the Rs have been very acrive in this race. Canvassing ad buys etc.

Lamb may pull it off if republicans don’t show up.

Should Lamb win it won’t be because the Rs didn’t fight. It will be because their message didn’t motivate.

And for the record I live in this district.

Most of saccones ads have been tying lamb to Pelosi...along with standard R messaging. Lower taxes, stronger defense.. etc. they have attacked Lamb with pelosi’s crumbs comments as well.

But what they have not done effectively in my mind is tie saccone to Trump. His name is not mentioned often by either candidate and I understand why Lamb doesn’t say it but the pro saccone ads not explicitly stating saccone will stand with Trumps MAGA agenda and is needed to continue it has not been part of any advertising I have seen.

I think this is a big mistake, you have to get the MAGA voters engaged and I don’t think saccones and the R PAC messaging is going to do that.

We will see soon, but if Lamb wins it won’t be because Rs didn’t fight it will be because their messaging did not motivate turnout."

2018-03-06 18:21:10 UTC  

Idiot Republican strategists!

2018-03-06 18:21:26 UTC  

Focus on immigration and the culture war!

2018-03-06 18:21:32 UTC  

that's all that matters!

2018-03-06 18:22:10 UTC  

Free Republic really, really, really needs to update their layout

2018-03-06 18:22:19 UTC  

it looks like it hasn't changed since the Clinton administration

2018-03-06 18:22:23 UTC  

hell, it probably hasn't

2018-03-06 18:22:41 UTC  

it's a GREAT website to see what right-wing boomers think though

2018-03-06 18:23:48 UTC  

@Deleted User breaking news

2018-03-06 18:23:54 UTC  

in development now,

2018-03-06 18:24:22 UTC  

the President is urging Gov. Bryant to appoint himself as Senator of Mississippi

2018-03-06 18:35:42 UTC  


2018-03-06 18:40:13 UTC  

I didn't even know self-appointment was _possible_.

2018-03-06 18:40:18 UTC  

But this is stupid.

2018-03-06 18:40:27 UTC  

Why appoint yourself to Senate?

2018-03-06 18:40:56 UTC  

I am the senate now

2018-03-06 18:42:21 UTC  


I think this race is tight for two reasons:

1) Lamb is a long-established name in Pittsburgh Democrat politics. Members of that family have held public office here going back three generations. Many of them are well-liked personally, even by people who don’t typically vote Democrat.

2) There is a general sense of disgust by local Republicans who went to the wall getting Tim Murphy elected over and over only to find in the end that he was a two-faced phony. With friends like that does the Pro Life movement need any enemies? I think a lot of those voters are wary if investing themselves in another Republican campaign. How do they know Saccone won’t turn out to be another one?"

2018-03-06 18:43:03 UTC  


2018-03-06 18:43:45 UTC  


2018-03-06 18:44:58 UTC  

If you're so mad, then make a ton of pro-Saccone/anti-Lamb content to influence the election, and do whatever you can--don't spam ALL CAPS in here.

2018-03-06 18:45:01 UTC  

It does nothing.

2018-03-06 18:46:00 UTC  

@🎃Boo-ton🎃 you're preaching to the choir in here. You should sign up on FreeRepublic and Facebook

2018-03-06 18:46:15 UTC  

way too many Pro-Trump FB Pages just post boomer-tier memes

2018-03-06 18:46:17 UTC  

and nothing else

2018-03-06 18:46:58 UTC  

By the way, are anti-degeneracy memes Boomer-tier?

2018-03-06 18:48:31 UTC  

I'm going to write an op-ed about how Republicans are complicit in their electoral losses

2018-03-06 18:51:12 UTC  

@Nuke @Deleted User NYtimes or Washington Post?

2018-03-06 18:51:48 UTC  

@🎃Boo-ton🎃 wtf you actually write op-eds?

2018-03-06 18:52:05 UTC  

anyway....WaPo is Jeff Bezos' rag, and NY Times is Carlos Slim's

2018-03-06 18:52:27 UTC  

NY Times is more significant, I think

2018-03-06 18:52:35 UTC  

it's on the decline, but so is WaPo and the rest of the legacy media

2018-03-06 18:55:01 UTC  

or what about Politico?

2018-03-06 18:55:56 UTC  

I usually prefer NYT because you can pirate it.