Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 420764878412972035
I think the Dem is going to outnumber the GOP in TX-23
lol, at this moment, Ted Cruz has more primary votes than all the D candidates combined
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 uh huh, doesn't mean we'll lose
Upstate NY aka everything but NYC and Long Island is very red, especially with the SAFE act
We have a Republican representative in 27th NY, but from what ik he's no winning with a landslide
@Mercer there are some black areas in Western NY right?
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 no shit
anyway, looks like Chris Collins won with 67.2% @Mercer
he seems like he's in a good spot
Yeah, there are black areas like East Side of Buffalo
and there are "WT" areas in the inner suburbs that are usually Dems
but other than that, its Republican or Libertarian
Like you said, he won with 67.2% but the majority of the people don't like Trump and blame all of the Republican Party for it, all of them.
Oklahoma HD-51 is now fully reported. GOP hold here will a 72.13%-27.87% margin.
This represents a 20.71% margin shift from the 2016 Presidential margin in the district.
@everyone I'm coming up with a Gubernatorial List right now
not surprising to see special elections for state legislatures go that way
@Deleted User SAY IT WITH ME
you should go "AHHHH" to Ronna Romney McDaniel
🌊 🌊 🌊
@Mercer btw don't mind Button Mash, he's the resident low-T panicker
i think it's going to be closer in the Senate than we think
@Deleted User @Mercer
Average shift in 2018 specials is 26%.
Average since 2016 is 13%
This + polling predicts a 10-11% D win in November. That’s ~230 seat territory
lol it doesn't mean it'll turn out that way
I'm a mathematics tutor, but
elections are about more than just numbers
they're about the human factor more than anything
psychology is more important than math
when it comes to politics
Democratic turnout in the TX Senate race:
2018 senate with 1% (!) reporting: 426k votes cast
2014 was 510K TOTAL votes.
There’s something blue happening in the Lone Star State
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Commiefornia colonists
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 lol, we'll still win and usher in a Red Storm
Red with Lead