Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 421339929210257438
Fucking Gary Cohn
Fucking RNC, Fox
Pittsburgh is adding 500 new steel jobs
that's a strong talking point
Yep, definitely should keep it within state interest
that's like 500 votes,
plus their family members
If Trump sees a win and compares this to 'bama and VA, he'll know full well that Twitter is not what cuts it, but LIVE APPEARANCES
Aren't those jobs in Ohio, even though the company is based in Pittsburgh?
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 not only that, it's more potential voters who actually see jobs being brought back to their area
VA-10 is one of the more likely to flip, we'll need to work hard for this one
There is a massive amount of jobs in coal and natural gas. Even though a ton of people aren't employed directly in these industries the amount of people who work in supporting companies is unreal.
In Pa district 18
**5** Senate Democrats would lose election if held today (!!!)
Trump approval doesn't mean much though
come the fuck on
again, numbers aren't everything
someone could approve of Trump but vote for a Democrat
someone could disapprove of Trump but vote for a Republican
hell...someone could disapprove of Trump but still vote for him
he's going to lose
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 lol, you don't know that. Maybe he's gonna win
stop loling
this isn't fun and games
you think just because Trump won the election by pulling a rabbit out of the hat,
that Republicans can do the same?
@Deleted User was this your attitude on November 7th?
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 I was pretty sure Trump would win lmao
"you think just because Trump won the election by pulling a rabbit out of the hat,"
that didn't happen lol
he won through hard work and unprecedented cunning
Indeed. Hillary didn't stand a chance and Trump effectively reached a 100% possibility of victory by March--though, of course, if he let that get to him he'd have lost.
@Nuke Sarcasm? Hillary did stand a chance. Things were rigged in her favor. Her campaign strategy just sucked dick.