Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 422238088756985876

2018-03-11 03:29:27 UTC  

I just can't see this playing out well if we run Stewart, we need to win the seat in the first place. Freitas is the best guy for that.

2018-03-11 03:30:46 UTC  

Stewart may be fine if we were running him in Wyoming or something, but the fact is, if you're running for Senate in Virginia, you need a wider appeal than that tweet.

2018-03-11 03:31:06 UTC  

states where Karen decides the vote: Virginia (NoVa), Nevada (Vegas suburbs), Minnesota (Twin City suburbs)

2018-03-11 03:32:32 UTC  

I don't know, Freitas is just the most electable one, and he's definitely not cucked.

2018-03-11 03:32:32 UTC  


2018-03-11 03:32:42 UTC  

the generic soccer mom voter

2018-03-11 03:32:44 UTC  

Generic suburban mom

2018-03-11 03:33:23 UTC  

the only significant White demographic that rejected Trump

2018-03-11 03:33:45 UTC  


2018-03-11 03:35:44 UTC  

he definitely has them somewhere

2018-03-11 03:35:49 UTC

2018-03-11 03:36:57 UTC  

I was referring to "suburban white women".

2018-03-11 03:39:15 UTC  

White Women College Grad and Suburban White Women are practically the same thing, but I'll look it up

2018-03-11 03:42:42 UTC  

White Women College Grad and Suburban White Women are practically the same thing

2018-03-11 03:42:44 UTC  

lol not really

2018-03-11 03:42:55 UTC  

there are lots of urban white women with college degrees

2018-03-11 03:43:04 UTC  

NYC has a lot of them

2018-03-11 03:43:16 UTC  

they tend to be single and slutty

2018-03-11 03:43:22 UTC  


2018-03-11 03:43:24 UTC  


2018-03-11 03:43:25 UTC  

the kind to blow you in the bathroom

2018-03-11 03:43:26 UTC  

not a thing

2018-03-11 03:43:29 UTC  

in a bar

2018-03-11 03:43:34 UTC  

10 minutes after meeting you

2018-03-11 03:43:49 UTC  

also tend to dislike Drumpf

2018-03-11 03:43:50 UTC  

the only white people in big cities are gays and jews

2018-03-11 03:44:03 UTC  

dude, there are lots of white women in NYC, San Francisco, etc

2018-03-11 03:44:06 UTC  

and government workers as well

2018-03-11 03:44:33 UTC  

do you really think there aren't college educated white women in NYC, San Francisco, Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc

2018-03-11 03:44:35 UTC  


2018-03-11 03:44:38 UTC  

And single women. Women who are single vote Democrat but start voting Republican after they get married

2018-03-11 03:44:55 UTC  

suburban white women are probably majority Trump

2018-03-11 03:45:11 UTC  

maybe in places like NoVa they voted Hillary because of government jobs

2018-03-11 03:45:15 UTC  

Women become Liberal if they don't get dicked regularly

2018-03-11 03:45:17 UTC  

@Deleted User that chick you shlonged was a jewess

2018-03-11 03:45:24 UTC  


2018-03-11 03:45:31 UTC  

I mean, aren't jewesses counted as white

2018-03-11 03:45:39 UTC  

when that data is taken

2018-03-11 03:45:40 UTC  


2018-03-11 03:45:42 UTC  

this joker

2018-03-11 03:45:43 UTC  

also, a lot of them are goys