Message from @FLanon

Discord ID: 422223632224354314

2018-03-11 02:32:09 UTC  


2018-03-11 02:32:27 UTC  


2018-03-11 02:32:29 UTC  

Suddenly, New Jersey and New Mexico seats would be lean Republican.

2018-03-11 02:32:45 UTC  

I'm officially on the Pat train, now.

2018-03-11 02:33:15 UTC  

oy vey

2018-03-11 02:33:25 UTC  

Paleocon is definitely the best route to go on in the current year

2018-03-11 02:33:54 UTC  

I'm a Libertarian most times

2018-03-11 02:34:13 UTC  

Paleocons are definitely more traditional on the conservatism spectrum

2018-03-11 02:34:35 UTC  

But I strive further towards Paleconservatism when I see the degenracy of modern society.

2018-03-11 02:35:07 UTC  

Yeah, it's great stuff

2018-03-11 02:35:38 UTC  

Also, shitlib candidate committed a federal felony on camera and posted the video on twatter. BATFE is aware, but we need to keep pressure on this story.

2018-03-11 02:35:40 UTC  

It's the farthest to the right you can be before you get to the bad optics stuff

2018-03-11 02:37:10 UTC  

We need to set soceity on a right track, and then let it free to prosper.

2018-03-11 02:40:01 UTC  

We need to definitely keep it on the right track, the free enterprise can play with that well

2018-03-11 02:40:29 UTC  

I support getting rid of IPs for example

2018-03-11 02:40:50 UTC  

What's illegal?

2018-03-11 02:42:39 UTC  

Privacy is a winning issue.

2018-03-11 02:42:52 UTC  

Nobody likes getting spyed on.

2018-03-11 02:43:39 UTC  

Yeah but it didn't work for Rand Paul

2018-03-11 02:43:47 UTC  

Then again he was like a single-issue privacy candidate

2018-03-11 02:45:58 UTC  

I think anti-spying is definitely a good universal issue, a paleocon could easily incorporate that into his campaign

2018-03-11 02:46:35 UTC  

Nick Freitas is a good example of a libertarian I would support if he ran for president

2018-03-11 02:55:17 UTC  


2018-03-11 02:58:46 UTC  

Corey Stewart is even better though.

2018-03-11 03:00:16 UTC  

not sure about that,

2018-03-11 03:01:41 UTC  

let me get his words down

2018-03-11 03:04:01 UTC  


2018-03-11 03:04:18 UTC  

that's too hot a take

2018-03-11 03:04:25 UTC  

yeah, unelectable

2018-03-11 03:04:28 UTC  

Even if Corey ended up being having a better voting record for us if he was in the senate, that's meaningless if he doesn't get the seat.

2018-03-11 03:05:08 UTC  

Karen wouldn't vote for the person behind that tweet.

2018-03-11 03:05:15 UTC  

i can't see a scenario where Stewart carries Loudoun county

2018-03-11 03:27:52 UTC  

Nope, he's electable.

2018-03-11 03:28:29 UTC  

Freitas is the only other decent candidate for VA Senate and he's at like 6%

2018-03-11 03:28:39 UTC  

And the fact is, he's correct.

2018-03-11 03:28:43 UTC  

Virginia's pretty hard.

2018-03-11 03:29:27 UTC  

I just can't see this playing out well if we run Stewart, we need to win the seat in the first place. Freitas is the best guy for that.

2018-03-11 03:30:46 UTC  

Stewart may be fine if we were running him in Wyoming or something, but the fact is, if you're running for Senate in Virginia, you need a wider appeal than that tweet.

2018-03-11 03:31:06 UTC  

states where Karen decides the vote: Virginia (NoVa), Nevada (Vegas suburbs), Minnesota (Twin City suburbs)

2018-03-11 03:32:32 UTC  

I don't know, Freitas is just the most electable one, and he's definitely not cucked.