Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 423678208093847557

2018-03-15 02:55:13 UTC  

I wasn't very political at the time

2018-03-15 02:55:37 UTC  

Same. I didn’t even know /pol/ existed at the time

2018-03-15 02:56:10 UTC  

oh, it was great,

2018-03-15 02:56:33 UTC  

There were some bubblings in the culture with the GG stuff I heard about but I never got too much into, summer of 2015 is what got me started down the rabbit hole.

2018-03-15 02:56:45 UTC  

the feeling of Obama's agenda being shlonged was so satisfying

2018-03-15 02:57:21 UTC  

Damn you GamerGate, I could have been blissfully unaware but you just had to pull me down the rabbit hole

2018-03-15 02:57:56 UTC  

@FLanon what happened in summer 2015 for you

2018-03-15 02:58:41 UTC  

Trump, the sjw owned videos, the end of the chapter on the gays, a lot of stuff

2018-03-15 03:00:24 UTC  

I didn't get too redpilled until I found /pol/ a few months later, but the way Trump spoke just drew me in, it was so interesting. I was already sort of redpilled by the shitty situation of public schooling, but I hadn't really completely put 2 and 2 together yet.

2018-03-15 03:00:47 UTC  

"the end of the chapter on the gays"

2018-03-15 03:00:49 UTC  

what do you mean

2018-03-15 03:00:55 UTC  

the gay marriage court ruling

2018-03-15 03:01:07 UTC  

That was the big thing at the time

2018-03-15 03:01:17 UTC  

Trump drew me in with the speech about Mexicans

2018-03-15 03:01:56 UTC  

When I first went to /pol/ to observe how things went down there, there was a post saying that people that go in never come out the same. I scoffed at it originally, little did I know they were right.

2018-03-15 03:02:15 UTC  

It sort of killed the GOP social conservatism to a large extent and brought a lot of the "classical liberal" bullshit to the forefront of the conversation on the right

2018-03-15 03:03:43 UTC  

It was huge, the opposition to that completely ended, which is when I started to notice this insane shit with the 500+ gender shit

2018-03-15 03:05:08 UTC  

Not to bring the mood down. But did you here the news about Merkel getting sworn in as chancellor again today

2018-03-15 03:05:29 UTC  

@GermanEastAfrica that was to be expected though

2018-03-15 03:05:56 UTC  

and she'll be presiding over a government that has her party at the weakest it has ever been in the history of the current Germany

2018-03-15 03:06:01 UTC  

True, it doesn’t make it any less painful though.

2018-03-15 03:06:21 UTC  

reading back to more of good old @🎃Boo-ton🎃 's it's hopeless the left will lose everything forever blackpill nonsense...

2018-03-15 03:06:46 UTC  

debunk my blackpills, good sir

2018-03-15 03:06:47 UTC  

... what would you even suggest besides full blown civil war and fascism declaring liberalism illegal

2018-03-15 03:07:04 UTC  

I just can’t wait for the day that Germany joins the nations like Italy, Poland, and Hungary@Deleted User

2018-03-15 03:07:07 UTC  

I'm asking, not debunking

2018-03-15 03:07:27 UTC  

what do you think fixes it and shifts the window

2018-03-15 03:08:06 UTC  

@GermanEastAfrica this was going to happen, there's a lot of good news in the opinion polling

2018-03-15 03:08:14 UTC  

violence is unnecessary

2018-03-15 03:08:35 UTC  

assuming White Americans wake up soon enough

2018-03-15 03:08:56 UTC  

The SPD which predates the fucking German Empire is getting beat in the polls by the AfD which is not even a decade old, this is extremely significant.

2018-03-15 03:08:58 UTC  


2018-03-15 03:09:06 UTC  

Definitely, at least her power is at the lowest it’s ever been. It’s honestly kind of funny to see what she’ll do to get any power back.

2018-03-15 03:09:06 UTC  

we could be looking at South Africa 2.0

2018-03-15 03:09:21 UTC  

Brazil 2.0 maybe

2018-03-15 03:09:28 UTC  

America is undergoing this sort of transition:

2018-03-15 03:11:03 UTC  

White Protestant America (pre 1980s) -> White Christian America (pre 2000) -> White America (pre 2040) -> Brazil (2040) -> South Africa -> Haiti

2018-03-15 03:11:35 UTC  

I’ve almost given up on America honestly. At least culture wise, the American culture for youth nowadays is to be a gangster and basically become a black man. That’s why I’m considering moving to Europe when I can

2018-03-15 03:12:03 UTC  

Do you know German?

2018-03-15 03:12:46 UTC  

Africa is for KANGZ, wh*toid @GermanEastAfrica