Message from @FLanon

Discord ID: 430845175544414209

2018-04-03 21:40:11 UTC  

Society is only apolitical when there's a Democrat in office

2018-04-03 21:40:18 UTC  

yeah that's accurate

2018-04-03 21:40:26 UTC  

Then they can do whatever

2018-04-03 21:40:39 UTC  

@FLanon notice that everything was politics with Bush, and then suddenly stopped in 2009

2018-04-03 21:40:51 UTC  

We're in a war now.

2018-04-03 21:41:08 UTC  

There are battle lines, and we have to fight for it all

2018-04-03 21:41:14 UTC  

I’ve seen the effects of Dem presidents in D.C. Fucking Asians in the Vietnam memorial

2018-04-03 21:41:26 UTC  

They've taken away all that is sacred in life.

2018-04-03 21:41:34 UTC  

Obama won, and even with music, NOFX folded their pubk voter sote, Rage Against The Machine disbanded

2018-04-03 21:41:59 UTC  

SNL and late night shows all did interviews saying "it's time to take a break from politics"

2018-04-03 21:42:19 UTC  

there's a few good articles out there about the phenomenon

2018-04-03 21:42:26 UTC  

Visiting the Tomb of the Unknown soldier made me hate the left even more.

2018-04-03 21:42:31 UTC  

problem is that stuff like progressivism is still going to fuck everything and much harder under dems

2018-04-03 21:42:38 UTC  

it's not worth it

2018-04-03 21:42:57 UTC  

I'd rather fight for everything we have than allow them to have hegemony peacefully

2018-04-03 21:43:25 UTC  

Seeing all those graves made me think about how these people want to destroy the thing these men died for.

2018-04-03 21:43:36 UTC  

I would love an overton shift to the FAR FAR right tbh, so much that libertarians and paleocons are the centerists

2018-04-03 21:43:51 UTC  


2018-04-03 21:44:27 UTC  

Always remember though, you're not fighting out of hatred for what's in front of you

2018-04-03 21:44:30 UTC  

like, basically Germany in 1920 right. Take that how you will I guess

2018-04-03 21:44:54 UTC  

But a love of what your nation was and could be

2018-04-03 21:45:01 UTC  

This is what we fight for

2018-04-03 21:45:10 UTC  

Every soldier in that gravesite has more courage in their right thumb’s nail than the entirety of the modern left.

2018-04-03 21:45:55 UTC  

This is what we've got to do, we've got to get revanchism

2018-04-03 21:46:09 UTC  

We have to put them right in their places, first we redefine the right wing

2018-04-03 21:46:28 UTC  

Maybe make it more of a worker's party, a family party, yet traditionalist.

2018-04-03 21:47:37 UTC  

Really, this should be our message going forward: America First

2018-04-03 21:48:41 UTC  

But nowadays Americans are told that loving their country is a problem. And that it should be Mexico first.

2018-04-03 21:50:36 UTC  

That’s why I hate leftism

2018-04-03 21:51:38 UTC  

We’re told that America has no culture

2018-04-03 21:51:52 UTC  

And that the only culture we have is brought by immigrants.

2018-04-03 21:52:11 UTC  

(Not white ones though only Hispanic and Muslim ones).

2018-04-03 21:52:41 UTC  

The fact that I saw multiple hijabs in the nations capital should tell you how far we’ve gone.

2018-04-03 22:00:45 UTC  

Well, this is where we come in

2018-04-03 22:01:31 UTC  

There is nothing i hate more than driving around town and seeing hijabs

2018-04-03 22:01:48 UTC  

We all know we have to appeal to most whites to get an electoral victory soon, however, we have to appeal to the working class too

2018-04-03 22:03:44 UTC  

So, we are going to need to advocate for higher wages, something on healthcare, and other policies that would have the appeal to white voters who won't only be convinced to vote GOP by the demographic warfare angle.

2018-04-03 22:23:17 UTC  

@GermanEastAfrica you can be "apolitical" at any time you want, but you can never escape politics

2018-04-03 22:23:44 UTC  

like, you could have been "apolitical" like many plebs were in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, but you couldn't escape the effects of politics

2018-04-03 23:30:14 UTC  

Well isn’t that awkward