Message from @zakattack04
Discord ID: 436279225733873675
At least it's white :(
lol not for long
What the hell is this?
I'm a 44 year old, non-college-educated, black man from MI.
I'm a conservative Democrat who supports mandatory minimums, supports raising the min. wage, opposes concealed-carry, and sometimes opposes abortion.
I didn't vote in 2016.
this is a random American voter generator
Same thing every time
i just fixed it, it should random every now and then
Cities are so cucked/
@GermanEastAfrica god I hate these smug assholes
You’re telling me.
I’ve been mining hundreds of these smug tweets.
Republican Tranny booo!
I want more Government :DDD
Universal Basic Income!
That's what we need
The pain stops after a while
You kind of get used to it. Recognize their patterns.
Blub Fish^
Blub fish knows all.
Can 4chan/8chan posts be traced back to you?
I made a thing.
I may have to delete it
it's not really that bad but
just see for yourself
I just realized something crazy, guys
Trump will visit North Korea before he can visit the UK
that's kinda funny
Can someone tell me if this thread is safe^^^^
I'm a 55 year old, college-educated, white woman from MD.
I'm a moderate Independent who supports raising the min. wage, supports the ACA, supports deporting illegal immigrants, and opposes mandatory minimums.
I voted Gary Johnson in 2016.
That voter is fucking retarded
Fellas, I have not posted here in awhile because I've been enjoying life too much, and waiting and seeing what would occur. Watching events unfold (for example, just attended Ivanka's tax day conference), I have to come to some uncomfortable conclusions. Right now, I am mildly pessimistic with the 2018 elections coming up.
Trump is doing an amazing job, but the Republican Congress is a joke. They were given the opportunity of a lifetime but were too chickenshit to do anything with it. They had majorities in both chambers, and yet only passed one significant bill, the tax overhaul. We should have had a massive overhaul of healthcare, immigration, and serious reductions in federal spending by 2018. This was the time for the Republicans to build a brand new America, but like true cucks they held fast to the meaningless 60-vote rule in the Senate.
It's a real damn shame because they have a popular and effective President leading them, but they refuse to do anything with him. Even Trump's worst decisions, such as bombing some airports and bus stations in Syria, are nothing compared to the nonstop fight he is giving to the establishment. But alas, Trump is only one branch of the government, and the other two simply aren't performing like they should. They are not only wasting Trump's time, but ours as well. Rather than this thread be filled with success stories of a new America being built, it's just lots of pointless drama about Mueller, the FBI, and (rather boring) discussions about foreign policy.