Message from @Nuke

Discord ID: 436299472063037449

2018-04-18 21:47:29 UTC  

Can someone tell me if this thread is safe^^^^

2018-04-18 22:02:22 UTC  

I'm a 55 year old, college-educated, white woman from MD.

I'm a moderate Independent who supports raising the min. wage, supports the ACA, supports deporting illegal immigrants, and opposes mandatory minimums.

I voted Gary Johnson in 2016.

2018-04-18 22:02:53 UTC  

That voter is fucking retarded

2018-04-18 22:02:59 UTC  

Fellas, I have not posted here in awhile because I've been enjoying life too much, and waiting and seeing what would occur. Watching events unfold (for example, just attended Ivanka's tax day conference), I have to come to some uncomfortable conclusions. Right now, I am mildly pessimistic with the 2018 elections coming up.

Trump is doing an amazing job, but the Republican Congress is a joke. They were given the opportunity of a lifetime but were too chickenshit to do anything with it. They had majorities in both chambers, and yet only passed one significant bill, the tax overhaul. We should have had a massive overhaul of healthcare, immigration, and serious reductions in federal spending by 2018. This was the time for the Republicans to build a brand new America, but like true cucks they held fast to the meaningless 60-vote rule in the Senate.

It's a real damn shame because they have a popular and effective President leading them, but they refuse to do anything with him. Even Trump's worst decisions, such as bombing some airports and bus stations in Syria, are nothing compared to the nonstop fight he is giving to the establishment. But alas, Trump is only one branch of the government, and the other two simply aren't performing like they should. They are not only wasting Trump's time, but ours as well. Rather than this thread be filled with success stories of a new America being built, it's just lots of pointless drama about Mueller, the FBI, and (rather boring) discussions about foreign policy.

2018-04-18 22:03:08 UTC  

Heading into the midterms, I see a rather annoyed Republican base wondering why Congress isn't doing anything, while still very loyal and appreciative of Trump. I've yet to meet any Trump supporter in the real world who hates Trump for his job. I've also met some new converts to the train, but there are also lots of older White voters who are dying since 2016. So overall, I'd say Trump's popularity in terms of raw numbers has increased a slight edge. I'm not worried about Trump's re-election chances.

I am worried, however, about the Republican Congress. Many Republican Congressmen can rightfully state they did everything they could, but that there are too many cucks holding back the party in the Senate to pass any meaningful legislation. These guys may indeed get elected again. But for way too many Republicucks in vulnerable states like Arizona or Pennsylvania, this translates to depressed voter enthusiasm and diminished turnout. Meanwhile, Democrats are going rabid and will be at record levels of turnout I'm guessing (even if they are outnumbered in many red states).

The Republican party, if it really wants to play to win, should be making big promises to GOP voters in 2018. They need to end the 60-vote rule in the Senate, so they can promise the wall, plus sweeping reductions to immigration, government spending, and military adventurism. They need to focus on domestic issues and promise increased jobs and wage growth. Fundamentally, things have not changed a whole lot from Obama's time.

2018-04-18 22:03:14 UTC  

Supports deporting illegals and Obamacare--so she just votes Johnson, who opposes both?

2018-04-18 22:03:17 UTC  

Labor force participation rate is unchanged from 2016:
M2 Money Velocity has JUST begun to recover:

As we can see from the above numbers, the answer to the question "Have things improved for the average American?" is 'No.' It's barely gotten better, felt by less than 1% of the middle class.

The Republican party must go full Trumpism if they want to stand a chance in 2018, but it raises the question for many voters: why hasn't the Republican party already gone full Trumpism? Don't they have majorities right now? It's hard to explain to the average voter how a few cucks in the Senate is holding back the entire party (McCain, Flake, Graham). Many average Republicans are just going to feel like all their energy in 2016 was wasted, taken for granted, and now the Republicans want their votes again so they can continue to live off the taxpayer's dime.

The whole thing sucks, because if the Republicans lose Congress it's going to be a lame duck Presidency for Trump, who will veto everything the Dems try, while the country stagnates, illegals flow in, and jobs flow out. Yet at the same time if Republicans are voted in again and do jack shit with their majorities, then why even vote them in?

2018-04-18 22:03:25 UTC  

The Republican party needs a change of leadership and direction, badly, or I just don't see America making it out of this in one piece. I'd never thought the Republican party would hold onto the 60-vote rule for so damn long, but I totally underestimated the cucks after Trump's 2016 election. The never-Trumpers simply do not get it, nor do they want to. The Republican voters want change fast, and we need change before the tide of demographics are permanently shifted, yet the Republicans continue to act like they have another 20 years in power when in reality they will be lucky to survive for another 4 at current rates.

I'm not totally blackpill on America yet, and I plan on campaigning hard this 2018 for the candidates who actually want to Make America Badass Again (MABA), who play to win and will use the Constitution to its fullest, but I am not sure the country is going to make it. I felt very confident about Trump's victory in 2016, but I don't feel confident enough to put down money on Republicans holding Congress even though they should easily be dominant. It's that dysfunctional of a party.

That's where we are at right now. If the Republican party actually grows a pair of balls and acts courageously enough to end the long-term problems destroying us from within, we will all live out great lives and be a model nation for the rest of the world. But if they simply do nothing and expect people to keep voting for them, then we will only remember the Trump era as one of the biggest wasted opportunities of our lifetimes.

2018-04-18 22:03:32 UTC  

Looks like opposing mandatory minimums is her priority

2018-04-18 22:13:35 UTC  

@Deleted User Now you know how I've felt all along

2018-04-18 22:17:48 UTC  

@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Samseau from the Roosh V Forum wrote that

2018-04-18 22:18:38 UTC  


2018-04-18 22:18:43 UTC  


2018-04-18 22:56:27 UTC  


2018-04-18 22:57:17 UTC  

oh boy

2018-04-18 22:57:24 UTC  

blue wave?

2018-04-18 22:57:36 UTC  

McConnell is considering holding longer Senate work hours to keep vulnerable Senate Democrats off the campaign trail

2018-04-18 22:57:57 UTC  

good on turtleface

2018-04-18 22:58:20 UTC  


2018-04-18 22:58:47 UTC  

We need long Senate work hours.

2018-04-18 22:59:52 UTC  

Basically this in regards to TX

2018-04-18 23:00:41 UTC  

has he ever seen Ted Cruz speak?

2018-04-18 23:01:09 UTC  

We saw him speak a lot in 2016 and none of us liked him then

2018-04-18 23:17:26 UTC  

Anyone can lose

2018-04-18 23:17:36 UTC  

That's not true

2018-04-18 23:17:41 UTC  

Gillibrand, Warren, Feinstein can lose

2018-04-18 23:17:42 UTC  

Sanders won't lose VT

2018-04-18 23:18:05 UTC  

Well, he could croak before November

2018-04-18 23:18:10 UTC  

Stranger things have happened

2018-04-18 23:18:23 UTC  

Yeah, anyone can lose, depending on the circumstances

2018-04-18 23:18:41 UTC  

laziness, an upright opposition, scandal

2018-04-18 23:20:54 UTC  

Cruz should win

2018-04-18 23:21:02 UTC  

but expect a close margin

2018-04-18 23:25:08 UTC  

Cruz is _the_ 6 pillars candidate

2018-04-18 23:25:15 UTC  

the only problem? demographics

2018-04-18 23:25:30 UTC  

the face of Texas is changing

2018-04-18 23:27:27 UTC  

When you think of Texas, you imagine a cowboy hat-wearing White Protestant Rancher in some rural, small town

2018-04-18 23:28:10 UTC  

Soon the average face of Texas will be a Hispanic Unaffiliated Blogger in urban Austin