Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 437451623812562955
@everyone From now on, you will need the <@&437446152934391808> role to access any channel. We are trying to add everyone as fast as possible, if you're not roled shortly just message any staff member.
What the,
I can't seem to scream in all-caps
There we go
Here’s a suggestion for @everyone to try out for midterms
women are emotional, what can I say
disappointed about the bois tho
I think "somewhat worried" is like
the category for people who don't want to say "I'm not."
but normies are worrywarts really
Reminder that CA voted to ban gay marriage
Nah I support gay marriage
yeah in 2008
Helps aids spread
helps homosexuality spread too
But then the government pays for AIDS bills
so it's meaningless
but we don't want more fags tho
Good point
We want AIDS but not fags.
unless your ultimate goal is a blood cult or something
so the answer is to drop AIDS funding
and let the degenerates clap out their own gonorrhea
I guess AIDs does spread more when there’s a small population
Maybe we just have to resort to a zippity zappity (you are no longer faggoty) 😏
hopefully we can find a cure
other than good old lead of course
Just a sec
assuming there isn't already isn't one and the fag lobby isn't making it impossible for the general public to find out about it
the real issue is the Israel Lobby (AIPAC)
Found the cure for homosexuality
I know gay people who do not want gay marriage.
When California Proposition 8 failed, everyone just blamed the Mormons, even though other church organizations were also against Proposition 8.