Message from @Borb
Discord ID: 457015348756217886
Literally this @ThatRightWingFish
We are against the demographic Replacement of European Americans
It is why I joined this movement
We are being invaded by non whites
They are changing our country
They do not care about this country
They do not assimilate
A lot are
Not all
The Southwest of the United States is a majority Hispanic, they are taking over
I know many republican blacks
not yet i think
The majority
Oh Christ
@Borb anecdotal
>republican blacks
Only 8% of Blacks voted Republican
In 2008, 95% of Blacks voted for Obama, 4% voted for McCain
Still some
That's like a damned hive mind
Um sweeties
Our Voter Base is European Americans
We need to pander to them
Not minorities
This nation is going to shit
Unless we embrace who we are
That doesn't mean we just reject their votes @Borb
We die
We fade away
It's just a waste of time to try to win them over
We go extinct
We need to focus on our base