Message from @ThatRightWingFish
Discord ID: 457016273063247874
@ThatRightWingFish then you sre right
Well sadly it won't
That's a net of over 80%, do you think we can change that?
Minorities don't turnout in the midterms
Answer is no, and it's not worth it to.
When Texas goes Blue
America is gone
We gotta win over White people in MN-08 and MN-01
End of story
First goal is to make sure socialism doesn’t come to the US government
If you don't want socialism,
stop importing Hispanics
from socialist countries
I don't like my people being replaced in a fucking country we built
That is my main issue
Ban immigration from socialist countries
They will destroy Everything we have built
how about we ban ALL immigration
What about White immigration from Europe?
@Pielover19 No
It'll help with demographics.
Europeans are socialist now
Europeans is for Europe
We don't need Immigration
If Romney got 72% of the Hispanic vote, with no other changes, he would have still lost the election.
Take in people prosecuted for free spercbh and such.
However, if Romney won 4% more of the White vote, with no other changes, he would have won
@ThatRightWingFish how long do you propose the US closes the borders
Pandering to minorities is irrelevant.
@FLanon so proud of you, my son
@Borb until our demographics change
@Borb Enough time for Hispanics to blend into White society
3 generations at least
100 percent Polish immigration.