Message from @[Lex]

Discord ID: 499360108887932930

2018-10-09 23:13:05 UTC  

My theory is that Stephen Miller has more influence than Ivanka.

2018-10-09 23:13:13 UTC  

I certainly think so

2018-10-09 23:13:19 UTC  

He's proven himself better

2018-10-09 23:13:45 UTC  

I don't think Trump actually values her opinion, he sort of keeps her around for "powerful women" nonsense

2018-10-09 23:14:00 UTC

2018-10-09 23:14:03 UTC  

And I may just be out of the loop, but I haven't heard much about Kushner recently

2018-10-09 23:14:07 UTC  

Jew Goebells

2018-10-09 23:14:28 UTC  

Goebbels is corpse-like.

2018-10-09 23:14:31 UTC  

Very spooky guy.

2018-10-09 23:15:39 UTC  

An excellent candidate to evoke fear.

2018-10-09 23:16:35 UTC  

Someone at the UN should exhibit great strength without resorting to jingoism

2018-10-09 23:17:00 UTC  

Unfortunately, there aren't too many people that have both qualities

2018-10-09 23:17:41 UTC  

Maybe that fellow that was running for Senate in Virginia?

2018-10-09 23:17:45 UTC  

What was his name?

2018-10-09 23:18:01 UTC  

in the midterms?

2018-10-09 23:18:02 UTC  


2018-10-09 23:18:28 UTC  

Nick Freitas

2018-10-09 23:18:36 UTC  

That was it, he would be great

2018-10-09 23:18:40 UTC  

oh, he'd be good

2018-10-09 23:18:47 UTC  

But no chance.

2018-10-09 23:19:03 UTC  

Yeah he doesn't have a strong enough national profile

2018-10-09 23:19:27 UTC  

It would be pretty much elevating someone at the state legislature position to cabinet level, just about unheard of

2018-10-09 23:20:18 UTC  

Hopefully someone like Miller has quite a bit of influence with Trump on this pick, that's all we can hope.

2018-10-09 23:20:28 UTC  

That barren witch Rosen is catching up.

2018-10-09 23:20:59 UTC  

Did she catch a surge?

2018-10-09 23:21:00 UTC  

not by much thoough

2018-10-09 23:21:05 UTC  

she is still behind

2018-10-09 23:21:22 UTC  

She will win unfortunately

2018-10-09 23:22:00 UTC  

We'll see.

2018-10-09 23:26:27 UTC  

As she should. We need another Jew in the Senate.

2018-10-09 23:26:47 UTC  

Most Jews in the senate are democrats

2018-10-09 23:27:47 UTC  

If any high-profile candidates lost election this year, do you think any would make good UN ambassador picks?

2018-10-09 23:28:36 UTC  

I don’t know

2018-10-09 23:28:40 UTC  

Martha McSally ?

2018-10-09 23:28:50 UTC  


2018-10-09 23:29:04 UTC  

Her most worrisome area is her foreign policy.

2018-10-09 23:29:10 UTC  

If R-money didn't run for Senate I think he'd be a good pick actually.

2018-10-09 23:29:35 UTC  

I hope we win lots of seats

2018-10-09 23:30:04 UTC  

i hope we lose them all and jews win them all

2018-10-09 23:32:03 UTC  

It's hard to imagine a complete drumpfkin in the position, but I'd prefer not to have another neocon. We need some sort of cowboy, but he also needs to appear dignified.