Message from @The Edgy Politician
Discord ID: 414848128836173824
I haven't looked into much political lately because of paper deadlines, if you want to dm me some specifics and let me have a look I can better answer you, sorry
got it
Anyone ever notice that Jucheists are the most inconsistent political group in the politigram community?
@dolanducc do you live in the states?
never heard of em
Yeah I do
great, which one?
New Mexico
I saw that "meme" and thought of how they say that the US military killed millions of Koreans
In my opinion they are probably the worst type of communists
Conservatism is Ubergay
we've got to get stuff done somehow
fascism doesn't have mass appeal
Conservatism is the Authoritarian/ Totalitarians happy medium in the united states
It's not what you propose, it's how you propose it
You don't need to actually be moderate in policy, but you can speak in a way that people would find agreeable
oh hi
Fascism is the least flawed way to run this country. Unfortunately the citizens don't see it
Even Fascism has it's ups and downs
@Literally Canada leaf?
I think people don't like the idea of the government having too much power over our lives
Of which I must agree and do not blame them
I myself love the idea of a Authoritarian government with the peoples best interestes in mind, actually listening to their people and giving them the civil liberties we in America enjoy, but still having that firm power to limit what goes over the line, like (my opinion) Homosexuality and treating mental disorders such as Trangenderism as a gift rather than disease
Thoughts on Abortion? I think it should only be legal if it's a rape, or if a mental disorder such as down syndrome is caught early in the developmental stage of the fetus
Yeah pretty much the same stance
Only difference is I also believe if you are under 18 you should be able to as well
I have a younger sister, and she doesn't have a single clue what real life is like nor what having a kid entails
And neither do many kids that are underage
As a kid I thought life was going to be fun and that I was bullet proof, LOL, wrong
These kids have no idea, and it's hard to find the ones that will listen to me when I start talking politics
But the ones that do, I feel like the world isn't as fucked as we all may think, god I hope it won't be
I'm very pro choice
I don't care about "muh degeneracy" like a lot of people here do
my main interest is in combating feminism and BLM and general SJW bullshit