Message from @Red Storm (in NYC)
Discord ID: 414855042257125376
oh hi
Fascism is the least flawed way to run this country. Unfortunately the citizens don't see it
Even Fascism has it's ups and downs
@Literally Canada leaf?
I think people don't like the idea of the government having too much power over our lives
Of which I must agree and do not blame them
I myself love the idea of a Authoritarian government with the peoples best interestes in mind, actually listening to their people and giving them the civil liberties we in America enjoy, but still having that firm power to limit what goes over the line, like (my opinion) Homosexuality and treating mental disorders such as Trangenderism as a gift rather than disease
Thoughts on Abortion? I think it should only be legal if it's a rape, or if a mental disorder such as down syndrome is caught early in the developmental stage of the fetus
Yeah pretty much the same stance
Only difference is I also believe if you are under 18 you should be able to as well
I have a younger sister, and she doesn't have a single clue what real life is like nor what having a kid entails
And neither do many kids that are underage
As a kid I thought life was going to be fun and that I was bullet proof, LOL, wrong
These kids have no idea, and it's hard to find the ones that will listen to me when I start talking politics
But the ones that do, I feel like the world isn't as fucked as we all may think, god I hope it won't be
I'm very pro choice
I don't care about "muh degeneracy" like a lot of people here do
so ur not rly concerned about policy
that isn't my main focus, yeah
is this more about the culture war for you?
exactly, I view this as a subset of the culture war
i see
now, I'm fine with allying with christians / identitarians / race realists /whatever
I'm not going to cry if Shaniqua wants to have her 3rd abortion
What makes you pro choice? Someone in your family or your experiences has to have influenced your decision or do you just not care enough about the subject?
Is it just one of those "Ah whatever let em do what they want" things or?
yeah, used to be a left-libertarian type, and while I view most of my earlier views as nonsense I'm not going to transition into someone who thinks taking a morning after pill is murder
How far into the gestation period would you consider murder?
it's a rather complex question...I subscribe to the "human personhood" position but the thing is that would mean killing 'em once they're fresh out of the womb is fine. I think anyone who is having children should care about their well being, so the kinds of mothers who would do it are doing society a favor
I think if you abort, it should be in early stages
but I'm not going to go around lynching womyn for late term abortions
Interesting, thank you for answering honestly, most would tell me to fuck off like my professors lol, they hate when I ask them the hard and blunt questions. It's quite humorous
You're in college ?
I'm making it my life goal to one day hold a seat in Senate
abortion was never a topic which I thought deeply about. All I think about the matter is if I impregnate a random woman and she takes a morning after pill I'm not going to think it's my kid that's dying
It's Congress or bust for me