Message from @FLanon
Discord ID: 402221070767357952
district 16
safe (R)
looks safe
still going to try my hardest, after Moore you can never try too hard
oh yeah
you should spend more effort on ousting Bill Nelson than on the House race though, I'd say
yeah that'll be pretty close
Rick Scott is the only chance Florida has to electing a Republican
your area seems fine at the local level, so it makes sense to focus more on the state level
FL voted Nelson three times in a row
yeah, but that doesn't make him invincible
a lot has changed since 2012
polling in FL has Scott and Nelson pretty close, so I'm sure it's achievable
Rick Scott is running? Didn't know that
I'm not sure if it's confirmed yet
Not yet
potential I think
Trump is still trying to win him over
Scott is concerned because Florida has a habit of punishing the incumbent party during midterms
looks like he's trying to pander in regards to the shithole comments
not really anyone with more name recognition than the governor, he's a bit of an immigration pushover though
hopefully he'd fall in line if Trump tells him to
Scott is good at balancing his approach with Trump
in a swing state, you can't embrace him but you can't distance yourself from him either
trying to make this senate list, get to california, then get completely stumped
everyone running doesn't even have a wikipedia page
that's the thing
most of them aren't going to be important enough
now, there's still quite a long time until the primaries
I wouldn't be surprised if we find out about more celebrity candidates
I know it's basically suicide in that state, but it's so damn big is the thing
I heard Caitlyn Jenner is running for the GOP here
you'd think there'd be someone, like a James Woods or something that'd put their hat in the ring
s/he's still under potential candidates is the thing
I'll put him in then just to have someone I guess
But there's virtually no way a non-Democrat is winning here in the Senate