Message from @BurgerBandit
Discord ID: 415961000185954316
I swear it's like they knew we'd go straight to him
This guy is like the figurehead activist
They were smart, they wanted for this to be as potent as possible, so they're hyping up march 24
That's the walkout right
Something like that
I can't wait to stay in school
"marjj for our libes"
So fucking set up, man
Hell, I would rather teach class than do that walkout
What do they intend on changing lmao
They intend on making the left look good
This is all optics, doesn't matter what you fight for, it's the imagery and how you do it.
This guy is obviously a planned talking head for the left, talking about the midterms
Trump's hosting a listening session for counter-optics
He needs that
We need to improve how we look to the general public
The best thing we can do is have people at these marches asking questions and exposing how uninformed these guys are
We can't let them do this unopposed.
Everyone always organizes marches and shit
Why doesn't someone throw a party
Just a hell of a good time where they can grill and have a fun time
Right wing fun squads
Are you saying that's already a thing
No it is not. But actually do it, a neighborhood BBQ to increase voter turn out is good
Especially if you neighborhood leans right or are older
Yeah that'd be a crazy fun party
I'd wanna make it patriotic as hell
All the electric guitars in the world
apolitical but patriotic is a good vibe
I think I just might do this
I don't see why anyone shouldn't
Increasing voter turnout is bad if you neighborhood leans left
I mean shit, it'll probably be the only chance I'll have for a while to have fun with a bunch of other right leaning people
Since Milo decided to make a night for freedom in DC 21+
This could very well save the GOP in 2018,
I believe @Walter Johnson pointed this out before
be very chill about this
What does that mean in English?..
You'll see