Message from @ONLY A SPOONFUL
Discord ID: 728417703835992094
I am based
tis the rules
@friz cringe
no, me
homosexual gamers 123
Those teeth
>haha look at me I'm gay
say 123 for mc bf
vril malding
Wtf wtf wtf wtf
who wants cute minecraft bf with sexy skin im 13 years old tpa to me
katze you are insanely savage
@friz you're literally so pathetic and cringe
do /tpa vril for sexy nazi bf
I can't even fathom how you function without just quitting
I love those doge memes
@RalphFiennes tpa for nazi rp
nazi orthodox tpa
esp christian ones rofl
tpa for ns orthodox imperialist rp
if I was a cokehead at 17 I think I'd just give up on life
like bruh
you failed early
flying fish
&3 Tpa for Nazi Orthodox Imperialist rp
you guys are still arguing? Lmao
oh I wasn't joking
are there orthodox in here
Tpa for nazi orthodox rp @SaturnsHand
I am literally never going to stop fucking with them