Discord ID: 403637742312882208
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this piece of shit showed up when i was taking the screenshot
all good man wbu
i need to buy the sledgeguy
i dont have 20k
u ever decided to get ur theory around?
when r we 1v1v1 with @เธฟโฑคษำพลโฎษษโฑค pipedream
@benjamin 6 im gonna restart rteal quick brb
ill play on vulkan
@.Pipedream casual play is so competitive man lol
i get rekt by everyone on rocket league
idk man
all i know is that it boosts ur performance
its an engine booster or something
i dont have amd
but ill try it anyways
@benjamin 6 it takes so fucking long to show the goddamn splash screen
the bomb spawning is random
i love how everyone is just finding out vril is an actual schizo
i've been calling him schizophrenic for 2 years
vril m8
pls stop
its not thati m mad
its that im getting second hand embarrassment for u
@benjamin 6 reparations for slavery
advanced chains now
my pfp didnt change yet tho
i feel bad for u mr vril
im doin somethin real quick
i almost shat myself @benjamin 6
i thought watch dogs legion released
my discord is shitting itself
@RalphFiennes homosexual gamers 123
vril malding
who wants cute minecraft bf with sexy skin im 13 years old tpa to me
do /tpa vril for sexy nazi bf
@RalphFiennes tpa for nazi rp
tpa for ns orthodox imperialist rp
&3 Tpa for Nazi Orthodox Imperialist rp
Tpa for nazi orthodox rp @SaturnsHand
vril saying he wont ever stop fucking with us like we fucking killed his parents and set his house on fire
accept or add @benjamin 6
ur colonial
vril getting his shit deleted
@benjamin 6 fuck r6s witness tihs
im playing with a chink
irish niggas are the whitest
i ate fish earlier today
tzabohabo are u excited for the new pop smoke too
@RalphFiennes accept the pope in your life
accept the infallibility of the pope
i am not a satanist
@Tzaboohaboo can u enlighten me to christianity
@benjamin 6 i rage quit
im tired
@Tzaboohaboo what is eastern orthodoxy
i am not informed much about christianity mr tzabohabo
me and my friends @benjamin 6 @ejg are now evil orthodox ns imperialist
we will segregate the jews
i want to be orthodox @Tzaboohaboo
@RalphFiennes they must be genetically engineered
@Samuel V do *ban katze
he's gone full retard
@RalphFiennes you went full retard man
never go full retard
@RalphFiennes tbh the drake album wasnt even that bad
@RalphFiennes they are genetically engineered
well i am not arab that could possibly be the reason
@dudebro hey doll
me and @ejg and @benjamin 6 after we become evil ns orthodox imperialist
vril i beg u take ur meds
ur gonna die
next ur gona say
@dudebro ur realy cute
motherfucking gingoology
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