Message from @Han
Discord ID: 728433390872821771
Yeah dyno does suck
@benjamin 6 I know how to fix your problem
but I wont tell you
because you're a snake
im civic nationalist
They better not take my porn away
what did dyno do
Give me degen status and I build another Dyno
hate the manipulation of women and subversion of young people into degeneracy
hate pornhub
civic nationalism is cringe
Ban porn
its ethno nationalism for cucks
<@!251618517017690112> join vc
is there a new user party in vc
imagine supporting the porn industry
Pornhub will never be shut down from an online petition
raid in vc
raid in vc
that allows CP onto their platforms haha. Degenerates bro
raid in vc
Brainlet user Hannibal
u first
i hear something buzzing in my room
i think its a bug
hiding under my sheets now
> i hear something buzzing in my room
@Hannibal the Groyper run