Message from @friz
Discord ID: 728436972426625115
you probably get bitch slapped
So it doesn't matter
by women
I am very creative and original
@foxes make me a sandwich
what kind
e dating is so cringe
@Hannibal the Groyper one time my girlfriend bitch slapped me for the lulz so I grabbed her by her hair and kneed her to the face
Foxes is def a catfish
asking for tits on internet is cringe
@friz hahahaha larping llukas
Women aren’t real online
i google big boob 12 billion results
@Hannibal the Groyper HAHAH
why do i need to ask for tits??
Hey who's the server member who keeps posting spongebob episodes?
Tits or GTFO
That name sounds gay
Homo name confirmed
why would a gomo want to see tits
@RalphFiennes can u teach me politics
no sodomite
I need to waste 2 more hours here
@foxes give me a dominos coupon
Album dropping in 2 hours then I'll sleep
Have you ever ordered dominos @Gingoology
i like the pizza that comes with the peppers