Message from @Overlord Yam
Discord ID: 498779919933898752
Wow the mainstream media is covering up the benefits of nature's lemonade
What a shock
so, if flat earthers are conspiracy theorists, and they don't believe everything they see, would that make the claim "I can't see the curvature thus it is flat" false?
Seeing is different than measuring
so if i have measured the earth to be a globe, it is a globe then?
But that is impossiball to do though, on this _Flat plane_ . .
well it sure is a good thing that the earth is a globe
or it would be much more difficult to measure
. .Flat Earth Curvature Formula ...
**(ZERO).. "0" inches per mile² squared ____**
so, if the earth is flat, would it be possible, for you to send a picture of the flat earth, so that i can see the full thing in one shot
but it can't be an artist's representation of it
**All** earth "pictures" are of FlatEarth
-- Cant get physically high-enough to capture it all in "one shot"
*And, other reasons too --- that you physically would not be able to physically 'see' the whole thing (at once) anyhow, so.
yes, you can get high enough
i have pictures as proof
NightyNite kiddo. Go back to bed, _you're sleepwalking again_ . .
you go to this strategy when i say i have pictures
👌 Such'a lovely **_Tactic_**
.. _innit_ . . .
i'm waiting
seems like there will be no response
I've seen that argument loads of times before anyway
You weren't going to get anywhere
yeah, especially with people who won't believe pictures
are videos better?
@Overlord Yam lol wtf is that fake bullshit..they never even went to the moon. How could they of taken that?
Iss fake bullshit. Look at it
Thats funny you think pictures and video from gov is evidence
its funny how you think the earth is flat
but you don't believe in the government
Not verifiable. Lol
Is this what you wanted Overlord