Message from @Pietro Juavas
Discord ID: 558051460794023956
Like my chests
No trolling
Naw man I ain't trolling
It's true they're flat, like the earth, chill bruh
What if the earth is cube tho, some dude was telling me this before
It was like since we were orbiting around the earth, but since there's proof that the earth is flat, people are starting to say the earth is cube, flat and 3d
We exist, but the nature of existence is questionable
Why can't I post pictures
You have to get verified
You are currently enrolling
You never chose your <#539316279086022666>
Ok thanks
When we see what you are and see you have good discussions. You can have more access, including pictures.
Ok thanks
Why can’t I send photos?
I’ve been verified
Because you don't actually believe in the flat earth
@elle Bees should die
wtf no they shouldnt
hate yellow
they are yellow
i rule the world
so they must die
u dont even rule the ants of the world
who said so
im sending an alt for you
According to the theory, there’s a huge hole in the center of the planet that we can’t see because, Varaug writes, “Light bends and follows the curvature of the torus, making the hole ‘unseeable.’” The theory raises a lot of questions about how gravity would work, which Varaug explains with a sugary, not completely cogent metaphor. “Imagine a donut. Imagine a jam donut. Gravity acts towards the jam.”
you are all too smart for me
Wait why is Angie banned/kicked @The Gwench
@Pietro Juavas the must have left
oh i see
Imagine theres no gravity...its easy if you try... no force to hold us.... above us only sky.. Imagine all the people , living on flat earth today...YOU HOOOO may say ayy ayy im a dreamer... but im not the only one”