Message from @Goldsteel
Discord ID: 489298568566538250
@Ætos almost forever? Huh?
Can't wait for the heat death tbh, gonna be great
If you want to invest your money start a server farm
Beings of gold
To make Gold, Gwench
@Goldsteel a server farm whats that
A lot of computers
Companies rent computer time
Oh. I see. Either it’s forever or it isn’t. 😂
Bruh invest in crypto it's gold for weird neckbeards
if you wanna invest into something start a series of interconnected jobs
Which makes “almost forever” a convenient statement
It can be any period of time
A completely undefined term
There just to force the reader to make their own definition
@Ætos Always taking the middle ground. Undecided as fuck. Lol
Give him purple for the mental gymnastics
There are even situations where not choosing a side is the optimal decision
Is it just me or does branch sound a bit like kimo sometimes
pocket lint
I don’t think the “monkey” had a tail, ever
Mandela effect is bs <:GWfroggyAngryEyes:398570363237433354>
Why are all the Mandela effect posts childhood memories
*Maybe because memories fade at a higher rate when they are reaccessed more often*
*Causing the memories that are oldest or most revisited to lose their meaning over time*
Mass hysteria is weird
Social media has permitted global scale mass hysteria
Well, yes
Memories can be easily manipulated
I manipulate my own memories
Doing it right now
I had a weird dream the other day