Message from @Jojo
Discord ID: 718731065912590377
where are you guys on the political compass
or on any of those tests
some of the tests are kinda ass
but auth-centre or left normally
yeah i always get auth-centre
nice B
if your libertarian you are gay
GG @Real Morgan “Morgz” Hudson 🇬🇧, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 2 !
i dislike libertarians, their goals are the same three, create a monopoly, abilility to sell or use drugs, or own as many illegal firearms (maybe missiles).
i got some disturbing results on my 8 values so i came here
am i really a fascist?
i dont believe in a one party state
or dictatorship
i knew i was a little auth not 73%
what do AF groypers think of monarchism?
Rule by a king or queen? Rather than Democracy. That’s not cool the level of corruption would be insane
Wouldn't it be the opposite? A monarch has the ability to be above politics. You can't really bribe a monarch, you don't have to worry about appealing to the populous, you can achieve long term goals instead of having your enemies undo your work every so many years.
Democracy is flawed but it’s the best we got. Maybe longer terms could aid the problems you see but we can have a coup every 4 years and not be hanged for it. Monarchism has more or less been vanquished from the world for good reason. Birth right to power is not my cup of tea
And it sounds nice if the monarch is somebody you agree with but imagine a communist socially liberal transgender monarch that you can’t vote out
Not all monarchs have to be based on bloodline
look at the papacy
Is the pope not elected by the college of cardinals?
Yes hence it not being based on bloodline
The Pope sits on the throne of Peter is the monarch of the Vatican and the head of Christendom
GG @Jojo, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 1 !
I think the leader of a nation needs to accurately represent the mindset of the people at the time which is why democracy is the best we have. Like I mentioned If there’s a transgender progressive socially liberal communist as the monarch you are stuck with them as long as they live instead of having the power to replace them
Maybe removing term limits is a good solution
And unchecked power never goes well
The mindset of the people is heading towards all those things you describe.
Because of immigration
I don't think a monarch who is upholding a traditional hierarchy would be a communist
But you couldn’t possibly assure that
Who decides the monarch?
There’s a lot wrong with that
Are you advocating for a Monarchy in America?