Message from @DrPeper
Discord ID: 495812297152004127
right now im designing my CPU in logisim
Use baby blue
@DrPeper Many of the conspiracies can overlap, but are still considered its own conspiracy
gwench, it is literally the same thing copied twice
Idk. We will review. Still undergoing maintenance.
i mean, you can literally see it in the screenshot, not that it matters anymore since Z fixed it
why would i want to go to construction?
every time you say that i think of Cats the musical
@Sasowa -- howz da'Globe treatin ya?! 😆
anyone ever think to themselves, i need 65 pounds of ram
how about 65 pounds of mother boards
why not?
Las vegas shooting?
@Soldz (CF) The one year anniversary is this Monday. We should honour those that died in this terrible tragedy.
Cant believe it has been a year already
It was this event that caused my shift to the truther movement.
The thing that shifted this movement was Mitch <:thonk:485324336874651650>
Or to swallowing the red pill is a better way of saying it
i prefer my pills half white, half blue tinted transparent
@The Gwench
There were two prostitutes that were being delt with by the Mandalay secret right before they were called upstairs - I would like to see if they were interviewed
The hookers...
i do enjoy Hooker
There is evidence that housekeeping was ordered to not go to work on that floor the day of the shooting.
Those housekeepers were instructed not to come to work.