Message from @The Gwench
Discord ID: 495784116374208532
American Cheese
mmmm pepperjack
*steals and noms*
@Citizen Z i think you posted the same explination for a role more then once
Which one
well,i count the CIA one 3 times
you copied the 9/11 through cyptids twice
Wow Citizen you gonna let him call you out like that
Ban him
@Citizen Z was Britney Spears a masochist?
right now im designing my CPU in logisim
Use baby blue
@DrPeper Many of the conspiracies can overlap, but are still considered its own conspiracy
gwench, it is literally the same thing copied twice
i mean, you can literally see it in the screenshot, not that it matters anymore since Z fixed it
why would i want to go to construction?
every time you say that i think of Cats the musical
@Sasowa -- howz da'Globe treatin ya?! 😆
anyone ever think to themselves, i need 65 pounds of ram
how about 65 pounds of mother boards
or 1000 pounds of computers
why not?
Las vegas shooting?