Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 296750820681187332
Pinko awareness
There's a connection in there somewhere
Balls in my face?
I prefer Horse Cock
Traps aren't gay
Rip club penguin
Just imagine the memes though. UNLIMITED DIFFERENT ANGLES OF PEPE. This will not go well for the left.
>normies trying to take pepe again
I'm back
The left will get btfo by AS pepe
Buy propaganda now while i'm working, get it mailed tomorrow.
Alright bye
Ill be back in a couple minutes
This is just pure sickingon
It's the online people currently.
I don't know how many they have offline, I imagine hundreds.
There's a few independent groups
Vet this lad
My mom got mad at me for saying I wished we had a pope that would declare holy wars on muslims.
Something about violent wars being horrible.
Who care about Jerusalem, take back constantinople and kick out the turks.
>Pope is apostate
>Talking bad about him and wishing for Holy War is bad
Great world we live in
reminder Ordo Militaris is funding and training modern day crusaders to protect Christians in the ME
they make you do basic training if you're not ex-military
As much as I support private military <:ancap:279102103413063690>
I dont know how feasible they are as a company because someone has to hire them.