Message from @Artemis

Discord ID: 713483626414866454

2020-05-22 20:00:08 UTC  

Oh lordy

2020-05-22 20:00:26 UTC  

Check it out, I ordered the mask here and although 30 bucks seemed steep it's good quality, I didn't feel ripped off.

2020-05-22 20:01:03 UTC  

I can dig good quality but $240 for a uniform is steep

2020-05-22 20:01:17 UTC  

Especially since two sets is pretty standard

2020-05-22 20:02:54 UTC  


2020-05-22 20:02:55 UTC  

But Tru-Spec is way on the opposite end of quality/price

2020-05-22 20:03:31 UTC  

My set is hot weather Tru-spec and I have a Cold Weather Propper set

2020-05-22 20:04:22 UTC

2020-05-22 20:04:28 UTC  

I've had some mixed experiences with Tru-Spec, had them tear on the first time taking them out

2020-05-22 20:04:57 UTC  

Wow, yeah I've had to repair them already. Weak seems

2020-05-22 20:05:31 UTC  

I've used tru spec before for beater stuff. I hate their website and the quality is pretty low, but it's cheap and protects your well enough from thorns and other stuff.

2020-05-22 20:06:03 UTC  

I've had them rip literally while I'm just boating, not anything strenuous at all

2020-05-22 20:06:13 UTC  

It's only good for a few months of hard use, but price matters when you are poor

2020-05-22 20:06:17 UTC  

I'll look into getting a set in FG though

2020-05-22 20:06:36 UTC  

Maybe I had a lemon

2020-05-22 20:07:41 UTC  

It happens. I've put mine through some pretty tough FTXs and, although I've had to repair them, the fabric is holding up

2020-05-22 20:07:42 UTC  

I've put mine through some hard use and its held up well enough, no tears but some stitching has unraveled a little. If I did more stuff in it, I'd get something better because it probably wouldn't hold up.

2020-05-22 20:08:20 UTC  

I've been using the knock offs for a bit now and they hold up fairly well

2020-05-22 20:08:33 UTC  

Still Chinese quality though

2020-05-22 20:09:12 UTC  

To me, uniforms are a consumable item. It's going to wear out, so the quality you get is dictated by how hard and how much you're going to be using it

2020-05-22 20:09:40 UTC  

Just don't wash them with detergent because the soap residue impregnated in the fabric also reflects IR

2020-05-22 20:10:25 UTC  

I wouldn't personally go out and buy a full set of cryes because I tend to run in jeans and a shirt, rarely using a uniform. Boots on the other had, you wanna splurge on boots because bad ones will make you miserable

2020-05-22 20:11:13 UTC  

@Artemis exactly. It's always a cost equation. You can get indestructible unis, but $800 a set is a lot of practice ammo

2020-05-22 20:12:54 UTC  

Yeah. Sure you can hit up a soldier to use as a proxy to buy patagonia gear, but are you really gonna get your money's worth. Also what's up with those cucks at patagonia not wanting to sell to civilians? lol

2020-05-22 20:13:17 UTC  

I've got under armor jungle boots, paired with moisture wicking socks, they do pretty good

2020-05-22 20:13:25 UTC  

Lol, exactly

2020-05-22 20:13:59 UTC  

They are just skirting VAT taxes

2020-05-22 20:14:11 UTC  

Companies that are against people willingly buying their product are pretty stupid

2020-05-22 20:14:35 UTC  

Chrony capitalism

2020-05-22 20:14:57 UTC  

There's a surprising amount of that in the gun world. Companies that make guns or accessories but are staunchly anti 2a.

2020-05-22 20:15:34 UTC  

"No, I do not have a contract for 2k pieces of equipment, but there must be at least 2k people willing to buy your shit"

2020-05-22 20:16:21 UTC  

Take care, I'm taking the wife and kids to dinner before selfishly abandoning them this weekend!

2020-05-22 20:16:25 UTC  

If a company is staunchly anti 2a I just don't buy from them if I can take it

2020-05-22 20:16:39 UTC  

Have a good one

2020-05-22 20:17:22 UTC  

When people are like "if you like guns so much why don't you just join the military you pussy" and go into shock, frothing at the mouth if I reply: I've got respect for soldiers, but fuck the military. I'm not up for being the government's sword.

2020-05-22 20:18:07 UTC  

It's like they can't imagine those two principles existing in the same person

2020-05-22 20:19:44 UTC  

People don't understand that anymore, it's not about the people on the ground but the system that puts them in those situations

2020-05-22 20:22:02 UTC  

Although I guess that can be said for Vietnam, soldiers coming back after being drafted and people being angry at them for a war they didn't ask to be in

2020-05-22 20:22:13 UTC  

Growing up, I always wanted to join. I really liked the idea, and it took literally getting run over by a truck to knock some sense into me. My dad would always tell me that he had the highest respect for soldiers, but not to join because the people running the show weren't trustworthy.

2020-05-22 20:23:32 UTC  

Yeah it's a major problem