Message from @Artemis

Discord ID: 713785200622043137

2020-05-23 02:51:39 UTC  

Just spring assisted knives and butterfly knives shit like that is a no no. My EDC knife is an AK47 bayonet

2020-05-23 02:52:18 UTC  

Iys a good knife to begin with and has a built in wire cutter when paired with the sheath

2020-05-23 02:53:11 UTC  

Or I carry a Canadian Tire cheapo fixed blade with a 5 inch or so blade

2020-05-23 02:53:54 UTC  

When it comes to weapons and things that are weapon shaped our government has stupid laws and regulations

2020-05-23 06:37:39 UTC  

Handling a violent criminal is one thing, most of them are pussies when by themselves. Mob mentality though...
Having worked in both a county jail and a state prison, oc spray is hardly a deterrent when you walk into the dormitories. Never let someone get behind you. I’ve seen jailers get their asses beat numerous times. Best thing to do is de-escalate. But NEVER, EVER show fear. We had them clean their dormitories, I made sure they did the floors to the point they were smooth as a baby’s ass for the sole reason it would be easier to trip or dip them.

Good times, but the pay is shit. Definitely taught me a lot about their behaviors. To me that’s become a take-home skill. You’d be surprised how often it comes in handy when dealing with people in security. Also a great thing to have if you’re planning on going into security. Another letterhead stepping stone/competitive bargaining chip if you can pitch it right.

2020-05-23 06:40:34 UTC  

Out of all the shit I’ve been sprayed with, defense solutions was the worst. Followed by fox, and then freeze +p. Not gonna brag, but that 2% fox stuff isn’t bad once you have some idea what it feels like. Don’t get me wrong, it makes taking someone to the ground harder, but to me it brought out additional strength. I guess through desperation/panic, but I felt it was precise given the circumstances.

Also another tolerance to take home considering they’ve got those big ass OC foggers now.

2020-05-23 06:45:27 UTC  

Interesting how COs wanna de-escalate while LEOs wanna escalate.

2020-05-23 07:20:43 UTC  

By all means put the heavenly fist of high speed jailer jesus down on their heads

2020-05-23 07:29:47 UTC  

Obviously there’s some times where your hands are tied and you gotta enforce jail policy and rules at which point you take every jailer in there with OC spray and you’re basically done.
The aftermath is the shitty part because then they hate you, are gonna be pulling shit, and it usually ends about a month or two later.

That’s jail.

Prison is a totally uncontrollable animal.

Outside of shake downs and breaking up fights, they can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want.

There’s ways to enforce policy rather than having a shouting match though.

Female dorm refuses to wear their shirts for some reason, drop the temp to 46 for a few hours.

Won’t stop running around the pods at 3 am, keeping the other inmates trying to sleep awake?
Black that place out and turn off the night lights.

Taking a shower when they’re not supposed to (rape liability)? Turn the water off and let them walk around for a few hours covered in suds.

Most of them are just drug addicts. Even the biggest assholes in jail usually get over the fact they got caught and warm up to you. Besides, most of them are revocation dudes who do 90 days and get out.

Fuck the sex offenders and gangbangers though

2020-05-23 07:32:23 UTC  

I’ve met some ex inmates on the outside. Totally different people than they are when they’re incarcerated.

2020-05-23 08:14:26 UTC  

I toured a prison once growing up, it was pretty interesting. The lower security areas were sorta like dormitories, a circular room surrounded by a couple levels of doors, some tables in the middle, and a circular desk with a single guard near the center. They said they only kept one guy in there to minimize risk, and the prisoners knew they could overwhelm the block if anything happened.
The high security area was way dinguer. Gray concrete, single person cells, a shower room where they'd be hosed down for 30 seconds by a guard through the bars, and a little plexiglas box they'd let a few of them wander around for a few minutes.

2020-05-23 08:16:25 UTC  

The illegal immigrants got the best treatment. They had a nice little area with wooden doors and locks that the prisoners could operate. They claimed they wanted to leave a good impression so they'd come back legally, but it was just a revolving door of the same people who were back in a month after being deported.

2020-05-23 09:24:27 UTC  

That sounds fucking awful lmao. Was the desk walled in with reinforced glass or something?

The jail I worked at was more of an open barracks. Even the sex offender dormitory was open, but had individual cells they were supposed to be in 10pm to 6am.

The prison had the same but gang members and sex offenders had their own cells and a dorm area they had 2 one hour times in a day with multiple inmates going out around the same time. New people in the control tower were why crazy shit went down, cause at first you don’t know who’s got beef with each other.

2020-05-23 09:24:37 UTC  

And I can definitely see that with illegals

2020-05-23 09:25:54 UTC  

Sometimes I wish I was still there to spread the good word lol

2020-05-23 09:26:55 UTC  

Guaranteed half of the COs would turn on me and set me up for uncomfortable situations or take their sweet time coming for backup

2020-05-23 09:31:07 UTC  

We occasionally had high security people. FBI would come in and out and pull them to a CID room. Usually murderers. Then after sentencing they’d get put in isolation for a bit and then release to general population. When FBI did come in, a lot of the cameras would go dark so as to protect their identities. Were usually escorted to and fro by state police or a jail admin. Looking at some you’d never expect them to be feds lol.

2020-05-23 10:26:08 UTC  

Gonna continue this in the proper channel as it has nothing to do with weapons or gear. Sorry

2020-05-23 16:00:16 UTC  

Well that was interesting. I placed an order with forward control designs at like 9pm and they had it shipped at 3am from california. I didn't know california had post offices open that late, 1am their time

2020-05-23 16:06:32 UTC  

Weird, maybe sticker was delayed?

2020-05-23 16:07:33 UTC  

idk. The shipping email was from stamps . com. I'm just surprised any retail business is up that late in cali

2020-05-23 17:39:29 UTC  

Forward Controls Design is amazing. I’ve talked to the guy who runs it and some collaborators who have been with him and he’s an upstanding guy.

2020-05-23 17:41:15 UTC  

Work in TDCJ, most people I know at least have family in TDCJ working. know lots of COs.

Cops deal with dumbasses one or twice then move on to the next one. COs deal with the same mofo several times a week.

2020-05-23 17:55:23 UTC  

I ordered a 12.5 hodge barrel from them with their memorial day discount. Sort of a long term project

2020-05-23 17:56:16 UTC  

The squeeze-bore hodge barrels are great.

2020-05-23 18:00:14 UTC  

I'd like to get a receiver set but it's sounding like it'll be nigh impossible

2020-05-23 18:01:13 UTC  

Gonna collect the rest of the parts when I can and keep the receivers on the back burner in case I get an email saying they're back in stock

2020-05-23 18:04:17 UTC  

Does anyone have a good reccomendation for a 20inch 223 wylde barrel, preferably in a heavy profile

2020-05-23 18:05:13 UTC  

what sort of budget are you working with for the barrel?

2020-05-23 18:05:59 UTC  
2020-05-23 18:06:31 UTC  

I know exactly why he’s asking 😂

2020-05-23 18:07:44 UTC  

4-5 hundred

2020-05-23 18:08:12 UTC  

Can't get much better than this then

2020-05-23 18:10:01 UTC  

not uncommon for a cle krieger to shoot sub 1/4 moa with the right handloads

2020-05-23 18:11:44 UTC  

supposedly the cle chamber is even better than wylde, but I haven't seen evidence. They just claim it shrinks groups even more

2020-05-23 18:12:06 UTC  

but you can choose

2020-05-23 18:16:47 UTC  

What's the gas block area option they offer, flats for A2 or spot for optics? Never seen that before, then again I've not delt with a lot of parts that aren't generic factory parts

2020-05-23 18:27:17 UTC  

I don't know. I've tried looking it up because it confused me, but there's no information, and no one talks about it in any forum

2020-05-23 18:31:53 UTC  

It might have something to do with a2 upper receivers. They seem to sell a lot of those

2020-05-23 18:33:00 UTC  

It may have something to do with aligning the front sight base with the barrel