Message from @Absolutely Barbaric
Discord ID: 714664571524350013
just like our ancestors before
ooof impossible
> I like this ones it be funny
@Absolutely Barbaric "me being strictly neutral I bashed everyone in sight" hahaha
it do be like that tho! I GM DND 5e and half my players are republican and I call those girls Free-state fenian bastards all the time and its laughs all around
The Irish just loves to fight. Thats your history. That's why you're Irish and you love Britain because you love to fight so much that you're even fighting yourself
sure why not
Now you want to fight me 😂
nope im quite content with my pint educating my pet yanks
Don't call me a yank. I'm a southerner.
alrighty ya fuckin yee yee
Waaaay better
Raise hell Praise Dale!
You got any questions?
Skittles flavor powders are surprisingly good.
Atlanta deserved it
Talk about a culture of fighting
I wasn't even there
>war of northern aggression
>fired the first shot
I just don't like Yankees because yall won't stop moving down here and driving like assholes. Also yall can't vote your way out of a paper bag
I'm gonna stay in the north during the big party so as to avoid potential blue on grey, I mean, blue on blue
*Morpheus meme* what if I told you both sides stood for bad things?
Idc about the Civil War. It's just that not being able to drink sweet tea in Yankee land isn't Christian
Yall don't even have a waffle house
okay okay, pitch "sweet tea" to me
what is soo good about it?
it fucking tastes good
sweet tea is satan water
It's tea with a pound of sugar mixed in.
liquid diabetus
hot unsweetened tea straight from the bag or im having a fucking tea party
well there you fucking go ya fat cunts
thats why
Anyone from Az?
> okay okay, pitch "sweet tea" to me
@Absolutely Barbaric you're thirsty and a glass of sweet tea comes to your table and you're thinking "good I can finally quench my thirst". So you take a sip and it hits you in your soul. The way good church music does. It not only taste amazing but it makes you feel good. Like being home.
@Untoldtv nothing wrong with asking in here, but check out <#704482326725263430> for locals.
Pitched that shit so good he's making sweet tea right now prolly