Message from @kopestetiq
Discord ID: 535324251519975439
No MGtv is pretending to be IPS. I know it F crazy
does ips talk shit about bob?
He should
I do in my head right now
i think bob is a well spoken individual
i think ips is aswell
better off concentrating on the globe religion
no more trolls i noticed since the government shutdown
government musta stopped payin them
Look at all of these phone users
lets see your apparent sun model
Globe tales 😂
Wtf. Lol
Hey @Samwise Talk about yourself much? 😂
I am human
What a concept
Jesus Christ
I am Satan
gotta ask in the last few months have you guys come across anything "new" ground breaking and achuly life changing; because most "studies" prove to be psy-op in nature these days when it comes to conspiracy stuff all this brain food just leaves most with fear mongering
believe none of what you hear and half of what you see
I believe only half of the people I see actually exist
my new fav meme
yeah considering i despise mine now
you're right