Message from @DrPeper
Discord ID: 539678057292759070
what about people who believed earth was round before vaccines were a thing @Several people
!mute @Why hello
Tom-tim-tam#9422 (510593433698828300) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
!unmute @Why hello
Tom-tim-tam#9422 (510593433698828300) is now unmuted! <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
Lol wtf
Damned bot is a failure ๐
ughhh tom should get banned
he's clearly possessed
>>mute @Why hello 2min
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Tom-tim-tam**#9422 for **2**m
repetitive use of words is a sign of autism
!mute @Why hello
Oops, something went wrong in MEE6 land! <:SAD6:403540170629971968> This error has been reported to our Team. We'll work hard to fix it.
damn vaccines
maybe use the detention role
maybe its the FBI messing with us
It's fine he isnt that bad =)
u sure bout that @Citizen Z
quite annoying though
i just blocked him
@Several people yeah pretty sure I've seen way worse
ok citizen kane
@Why hello As you wish ๐
i swear all these globe heads are just here to spam and argue without any evidence or credibility
!mute @Why hello
Oops, something went wrong in MEE6 land! <:SAD6:403540170629971968> This error has been reported to our Team. We'll work hard to fix it.
@Several people no u
maybe now the detention role
>>mute @Why hello 5min
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Tom-tim-tam**#9422 for **5**m
theyโre pretty much asking for it
>>mute @Why hello 2
<:vError:390229421228949504> **Tom-tim-tam**#9422 is already muted!