Message from @rol
Discord ID: 539678777698156554
maybe use the detention role
i know, how dare they cur diseases
maybe its the FBI messing with us
It's fine he isnt that bad =)
u sure bout that @Citizen Z
quite annoying though
i just blocked him
@Several people yeah pretty sure I've seen way worse
ok citizen kane
@Why hello As you wish ๐
i swear all these globe heads are just here to spam and argue without any evidence or credibility
!mute @Why hello
Oops, something went wrong in MEE6 land! <:SAD6:403540170629971968> This error has been reported to our Team. We'll work hard to fix it.
@Several people no u
maybe now the detention role
>>mute @Why hello 5min
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Tom-tim-tam**#9422 for **5**m
>>mute @Why hello 2
<:vError:390229421228949504> **Tom-tim-tam**#9422 is already muted!
did you set up premissions correctly?
kick him
He is my test dummy
lol ok
<:n_:507995520724369431> โ ๐ฌ ๐ฌ ๐ช
@Why hello u here?
@DrPeper Do you mind if I try muting you? Weโve got to figure out if the problem is exclusive to him?
you cant silence the truth
It will be for 1 min
dammit, cant change my name to the truth