Message from @The Gwench
Discord ID: 539707680424722442
!tempmute @The Gwench 1m
Oops, something went wrong in MEE6 land! <:SAD6:403540170629971968> This error has been reported to our Team. We'll work hard to fix it.
@Soldz (CF) vortex works
@@Soldz (CF) mee6 is broken
So I'm fine with vortex @Soldz (CF)
Would be nice to have mee6 tho
mee6 bot is broken.
Hey give my roles back 😧
Not surprised
What do you think? @Soldz (CF)
About what
Dear god
Also just look at lounge permissions and do it for every other channel in social
And it should work fine
@Soldz (CF) why mee6 gives that msg
MEE6 is erroring atm
Testing 123
Z is trying to silence gwench
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **DrPeper**#6051
Silence the opposition
In proud of you
Oops, something went wrong in MEE6 land! <:SAD6:403540170629971968> This error has been reported to our Team. We'll work hard to fix it.
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully unmuted **DrPeper**#6051
ces administrateurs sont tellement ennuyeux. leur a fallu assez de temps pour réactiver le son. Devrait les pendre avec du fromage
>>mute @DrPeper 1min
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **DrPeper**#6051 for **1**m
@DrPeper Please try posting after 1 min
Something with cheese?