Message from @spaceplacenta

Discord ID: 287388567297327105

2017-03-04 00:39:19 UTC  

It eats and eats inside of me, and it never goes

2017-03-04 00:48:17 UTC  

@diversity_is_racism I'm supposedly meeting up with a Grammy winning producer. Has Tandy worked with grammy winning producers?

2017-03-04 00:52:01 UTC  

whys everyone hate jeff so much

2017-03-04 00:52:54 UTC  

He punched me in the back of the head

2017-03-04 00:53:18 UTC  

Then lied about it to make me appear that I was beating up a girl he wanted to boink

2017-03-04 00:53:54 UTC  

I don't hate Jeff but making suburban Fox news crossover is unforgivable

2017-03-04 00:54:40 UTC  

She was drunk in a moshpit, knocking into random people not in the pit, throwing her arms around and smacking people just watching the show

2017-03-04 00:54:51 UTC  

I subdued her to tell her to calm down

2017-03-04 00:55:01 UTC  

Then Jeff punched me in the back of the head

2017-03-04 00:56:05 UTC  

You should have slapped her in the face

2017-03-04 00:56:11 UTC  

Or spear tackled her

2017-03-04 00:56:23 UTC  

He told people that I was waling on her

2017-03-04 00:56:32 UTC  

After the fact

2017-03-04 00:56:39 UTC  

There were over 200 people there

2017-03-04 00:57:05 UTC  

If I beat up on a chick, people would've seen

2017-03-04 00:57:12 UTC  

But he's the only one saying this

2017-03-04 00:57:31 UTC  

Because he's a weasel white knight

2017-03-04 00:57:36 UTC  

So fuck him

2017-03-04 00:57:47 UTC  

And fuck Prozak for defending his shit behavior

2017-03-04 00:59:11 UTC  

I'm 6'6", so I took the punch in stride because I saw how it could be misinterpreted

2017-03-04 00:59:33 UTC  

But he kept lying about it to make himself out as a hero

2017-03-04 01:02:10 UTC  

Starting an anti-Tandy militia is justified

2017-03-04 01:02:30 UTC  

I'm not the only one he's been a weasel to

2017-03-04 01:02:43 UTC  

Yeah he's ripped people off as well

2017-03-04 01:05:17 UTC  

So I've heard

2017-03-04 01:05:48 UTC  

I give away goatcraft shit for free

2017-03-04 01:05:57 UTC  

I feel shitty taking people's money for it

2017-03-04 01:06:01 UTC  

southern hospitality

2017-03-04 01:06:52 UTC  

It signals low value, but I don't care

2017-03-04 01:08:37 UTC  

My only goal for album releases is for whichever label pushing it to break even

2017-03-04 01:08:51 UTC  

I'll even buy copies if I suspect that they haven't broke even

2017-03-04 01:20:33 UTC  


2017-03-04 02:13:23 UTC  

flush with goatwares

2017-03-04 02:55:52 UTC  

Wanna do a new interview?

2017-03-04 02:56:12 UTC  

You said the first was of more to come

2017-03-04 02:59:41 UTC  

Best black metal song

2017-03-04 03:00:08 UTC  

Which is more death metal

2017-03-04 03:00:39 UTC  

Blizzard Beasts rules

2017-03-04 03:02:45 UTC  

We can address the JQ in it