Message from @Mosely

Discord ID: 299610800002433036

2017-04-06 18:03:26 UTC  

@Mosely he writes pretty good stuff, though is a bit too much of a fence sitter and too smart for his own good

2017-04-06 18:04:00 UTC  

he's worth reading

2017-04-06 18:04:20 UTC  

his greatest strength is being a well read and mainstream figure

2017-04-06 18:04:42 UTC  

I see.

2017-04-06 18:05:06 UTC  

his stuff on persuasion isn't the best but it's probably the best take you'll find

2017-04-06 18:05:27 UTC  

I knew he had to be smart based on how good Dilbert was. He attracted some negative feminst attention two years ago or so and I thought nothing of it because of how easy that is.

2017-04-06 18:05:34 UTC  

when I say isn't the best I'm not saying it isn't good, it's really good

2017-04-06 18:06:00 UTC  

Jews are a living meme

2017-04-06 18:06:23 UTC  

Also, does Roger Stone have AIDS? He looks terrible.

2017-04-06 18:06:57 UTC  

his cover is that he's survived chemical/radioactive assassination attempts

2017-04-06 18:07:07 UTC  

but we all know it's GRIDS

2017-04-06 18:09:02 UTC  


2017-04-06 18:11:47 UTC  

i don't listen to any alt-lite people now that election is over. they're all a bunch of shysters. when everyone was focused on victory it was good.

2017-04-06 18:13:32 UTC  

was a good feeling to join forces and work towards a common goal. never really experienced that before for big events. i guess for others 9/11 did that. and for shitlibs the obama run.

2017-04-06 18:23:50 UTC  

I didn't pay attention to the election in 2016. Missed the meme run. ;_;

2017-04-06 18:24:08 UTC  

But I stayed up all night watching election reactions roll in. And to think I was gonna turn in early.

2017-04-06 18:24:16 UTC  

One of the funniest nights of my life.

2017-04-06 18:24:24 UTC  

how is that possible?

2017-04-06 18:24:34 UTC  

are you a monk?

2017-04-06 18:25:35 UTC  

It's not easy. Sure, some things filtered down. Like Ted Cruz trying to engineer a delegate victory.

2017-04-06 18:26:21 UTC  

Wasn't on social media a lot. A political Facebook page I ran was given to someone else to operate.

2017-04-06 18:27:51 UTC  

your kids will be so disappointed haha

2017-04-06 18:28:04 UTC  

Oh, man.

2017-04-06 18:28:30 UTC  

yeah but like...were you working remotely or something?

2017-04-06 18:28:57 UTC  

it just blows my mind, i mean, you're here so you're obviously not a luddite.

2017-04-06 18:30:31 UTC  

Only here as of a couple months ago. I was in school but it was vocational school. No politics discussion. And I'd go home and either study or fool around online. If I caught unfiltered election talk it was usually via the news playing in some store I was in.

2017-04-06 18:31:19 UTC  

what country if you don't mind? not america i assume?

2017-04-06 18:32:11 UTC  

Yes, America actually. I wasn't even paying attention to Amerika or any of Brett's stuff.

2017-04-06 18:32:35 UTC  

I wish I had some guidelines for you. Maybe if I take a while to think.

2017-04-06 18:38:29 UTC  

it's ok

2017-04-06 18:40:25 UTC  

you'll be around for the LITERALLY HITLER 2024 meme war (actually at this rate it'll probably end up being ivanka, oy vey)

2017-04-06 18:55:56 UTC  

I stayed up for election night because I'd been loudly calling a Trump victory for months at that point

2017-04-06 18:56:13 UTC  

and it felt like too much hubris to just sleep in the surety that I was right

2017-04-06 19:13:09 UTC  

i had the next day booked off work, stayed up all night, went to bed after cliton conceded the following morning. ahh, and the 2 weeks or so of ultra-gloating afterwards. got kicked off twitter because of it. wonderful memories that i will cherish.

2017-04-06 19:14:25 UTC  

haha, the nostalgia of a few months ago.

2017-04-06 19:14:40 UTC  

things were simpler then.

2017-04-06 19:21:43 UTC  

kicked off twitter? haha

2017-04-06 19:21:44 UTC  


2017-04-06 19:28:55 UTC  

everyone has been now, but it was like a week or so after the election for me, permanent with no previous suspensions. tried appealing and they said no, lol.

2017-04-06 19:40:38 UTC  

it was raining at the campus today

2017-04-06 19:41:28 UTC  

everybody was walking under the buliding overhangs and covered pedestrian walkways